Only People With A High Level Of Visual Cortex Distortion Interpretation Can Handle These 27 Brain-Altering Photos We Found This Week

Only People With A High Level Of Visual Cortex Distortion Interpretation Can Handle These 27 Brain-Altering Photos We Found This Week

The visual cortex of your brain processes visual information from the eyes, and its main function is to receive, segment, and integrate visual input. Therefore, if you can correctly interpret these 27 photos from Reddit's r/confusing_perspective this week, it is safe to assume yours is superior!!!

1.Ok, let's begin. This first one I almost didn't include because I was convinced it was photoshopped...but then I saw it. 🤯 This person isn't missing part of their arm:

A woman in a jumpsuit sits on a couch in a TV studio for SAT.1 Frühstücksfernsehen

2.Looking at this photo, you may find not one but three different things that you can't explain. First, does this FedEx truck have the world's skinniest tire? Second, is that a bushfire? And third, IS THAT A UFO?! I can't answer the latter two, but I can tell you this FedEx truck doesn't have tiny tires:

A FedEx truck is driving on an empty highway under a cloudy sky. Trees line the right side of the road

3.I know for superstitious reasons, some buildings don't have a 13th floor, but that is unlikely here since this building is not missing a chunk and free-floating in the air:

Tall skyscraper standing above shorter buildings in front. There are utility poles and power lines in view

4.Contrary to what your brain might tell you, these are not mountains in the distance:

Cars driving on a multi-lane highway with road signs visible in the distance and mountains on the horizon during a cloudy sunset

Nope, just clouds.

u/dombaum93 /

5.This kitty is not in some weirdly constructed home:

A cat is lying on a staircase landing, poking its head and paws over the edge, looking at the camera

6.No, this toddler is not holding this adult up with superhuman strength:

Adult wearing a grey t-shirt and black shorts uses a level on a wall while a child holds onto their legs in a room with moving boxes and a broom nearby

The adult is just standing on a ledge that blends with the ground.

u/Retrocausalityx7 /

7.This person does not have a middle finger with flaps:

An individual's hand gently holds a tiny, pink, newborn rodent with closed eyes in the palm
u/boujiebtchofthebayou /

They are simply holding a newborn rat that matches the color of their skin:

A small, pink newborn rodent is cradled in the person's open palm, appearing delicate and tiny
u/boujiebtchofthebayou /

8.Speaking of rats, praise the heavens this isn't one:

Modern kitchen with light cabinetry, utensils in a holder, an electric kettle on the countertop, and a light switch. There is a hint of flowers in the foreground

It is two used teabags resting on a spoon. 😅

u/cr0bar_uk /

9.This cat isn't being sucked in by some kind of quicksand flooring:

A cat appears to be peeking from under the floor, with a motorcycle and a fence in the background. The cat’s expression is curious, and its paw is visible

10.This is not a really skinny building:

A tall, multi-story brick building with numerous windows stands next to a smaller building. The sky is partly cloudy in the background

11.And you might get stumped trying to figure out if this is one or two buildings:

Curved facade of a modern high-rise building, showcasing repeating patterns of windows and architectural elements

It is actually just one, curved inward.

u/prinzmi88 /

12.This countertop does not have ripples:

A visual of textured paper with soft, wavy patterns and a thin, straight line running vertically. No text or people are present
u/alkynoxy /

What you are seeing is the shadow from a glass cup:

A glass of water is placed on a wooden surface, causing water ripples on a piece of paper next to it
u/alkynoxy /

13.This is not some unidentified circle blob animal without a head:

A guineafowl is curled up, resting on a stone path next to some grassy patches

14.These are not raw chunks of freshly cut steak:

A large pile of uncut, raw red rocks scattered on the ground in a quarry

Nope, just rocks.

u/Moon_5tomper /

15.This beach bag does not have legs, unfortunately...or fortunately, I can't decide:

Person laying on a beach with their head obscured by a large striped bag, next to a folding chair with a teal cushion

16.And, oh my gosh, this is not a terrifying image of a cat, exposed:

A fluffy cat lies in a bowl, with its body covered in seasoning, mimicking a raw turkey ready for cooking

The cat is just peeping behind the turkey that is ready to be baked.

u/Odd_Medicine8498 /

17.This is not a hard-to-master, bottomless canoe:

A red kayak named "Freshie" on a bed of small gray pebbles, with a black and gray paddle resting on top

18.This dog only has ONE tongue:

A close-up of a happy dog sitting inside a car with its tongue out. The dog's face is partially inside the frame showing the person to the right's tattooed arm

There is a second dog on its left side who also has its tongue out.

u/jbourget2 /

19.These are not pigeons lined up on an electrical pole:

A cityscape with bird statues sitting on a streetlight. In the background are buildings and a cloudy sky

20.This human does not have a dog face:

Person with long dark hair wearing a striped sweater, sitting by water, hugging two large dogs while looking at the view

21.And this horse is not standing upright with a helmet and hands:

Person with horse head wearing a helmet and holding a pastry, standing outdoors in a grassy area

22.This is not an image of weeds in the sky:

Reflection of mountain and sky in clear water creates an upside-down landscape illusion with dry grass, clouds, and steep cliffs

23.This is not a giant knitting dragon sitting in someone's house:

A hand-crocheted dragon with white horns and wings sits on a kitchen counter. Various home decorations and furniture are visible in the background
u/lizzymonster /

It is just a small one, sitting on the counter:

A handmade crocheted dragon is lying on a countertop in a cozy living room with various decorations and a clock on the wall
u/lizzymonster /

24.This beaver isn't standing upright, wearing human clothes:

A capybara partially submerged in water stands with only its head above the surface, facing forward

Again, another reflection!

u/Saraastormm /

25.This dog isn't enjoying a nice moment of reading while ironically sitting next to tons of Pedigree promo stickers:

A person with a Great Dane in their lap sits on a bench, reading a book together. Behind them are Pedigree Chum advertisements

26.This bear does not have wings:

A bear in a river appears to have wings due to the angle of two birds flying directly behind its head

27.And, finally, (this one may be a bit obvious but nonetheless is impressive) you don't have to attempt to get to this toilet by jumping over Rubik's cube blocks:

A bathroom with Rubik's cube floors

It is just an awesome painting on the floor!

u/ParticularElk3957 /

OK, which one of these photos stumped you the most? Let us know in the comments, and if you enjoyed this, look out for more confusing photos like this next week — and check out last week's here!

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