Interior expert reveals how to create a stylish home bar

how to create home bar
How to create a home barSimon Taylor Furniture, Ercol and Jonathan Adler

Whether you’re in your dinner party era or fancy sharpening up your mixology skills, a home bar is always a good solution. Sure to become a popular destination in your home, a drinks station instantly adds an indulgent tone to any room.

Perfect for whipping up refreshing Hugo spritzes for summer evenings spent in the garden or shaking up some espresso martinis to sip in front of fire, a home bar can truly be enjoyed all year round. There’s something so rewarding about creating your own place where you can store a collection of your favourite bottles and personalise it with a selection of playful details.

To give you some spectacular inspiration, we spoke to Joanne Hardcastle, interior stylist, and queen of whimsical colourful interiors (as her Instagram proves), about the best way to create a home bar-whatever your space or budget.

A sociable location

Joanne says that the location of your bar is super important and centring it to somewhere that you naturally want to socialise is key. She says: “It needs to be in a place where people want to gather, so there’s no point putting it miles away from the garden or the kitchen.

“I think a good location is a dining room or kitchen or if you’ve got minimal space, a sideboard is a great solution. The good thing about creating your own home bar near or in the kitchen is that it’s naturally where everyone gathers at parties.”

how to create home bar
Simon Taylor Furniture

However, Joanne says you can also make use of any spare space you’ve got in your home-whether that be under the stairs or in a cupboard or small nook. She says: “I’ve seen on Instagram, someone create a wonderful home bar underneath their stairs. It’s got a door, so it’s not on show but when you open it, but it’s like a proper old fashioned English pub, with optics and a traditional bar.”

A dedicated area

If you’re reading this thinking, you don’t have much spare space in your home. Fear not, Joanne says all you need is a cupboard, shelves or bar cart to get you started.

If love a specific tipple, you can even have shelves dedicated to it. Joanne says: “In my old kitchen, I used to have two shelves with all my gins set out on them and the bar equipment underneath, so you don’t need a huge amount of space at all! All my bottles used to be arranged in rainbow colours and I had a few cocktail shakers, nice glasses and a neon sign to finish it off. It’s all about thinking about where it’s going to fit into your home and where it’s going to be convenient for you.”

Alternatively, Joanne also suggests using a cupboard that you already have is a great option too. “I live in a period home, so I’ve got fitted cupboards in my alcoves and in my opinion, it’s perfect. I can close it away after using it and put all the alcohol away from my children, making it a child friendly option.”

how to create home bar
Jonathan Adler

“Another steal is also a vintage style bar cart. I love the 1970s style ones that people have recycled and sprayed to make them look cool and trendy and they’re ideal for those who don’t have much space. You can get lovely bar carts from marketplaces such as eBay, or Facebook Marketplace.”

Good quality glassware

Plain glassware and a trendy home bar just don’t mix, so Joanne reveals it’s crucial to invest in pieces that exude that luxurious look you’re going for-whether that be a vintage 1920s style or a sleek modern bar.

“If I’m drinking a homemade cocktail, I want to have the whole experience. I’m such a collector-I pick up nice glasses all over the place. I recently bought some vintage glasses and champagne coupes from a charity shop, so keep an eye out in your local charity shops.

how to create home bar

“Personally, I think you always need a selection of good glasses, which are different sizes, for example tumblers, as well as long glasses and martini glasses too.”

A well-stocked bar

“I love making cocktails, so you’ve got to have all the basics, for example, gin, vodka, tequila and then a selection of good mixers", says Joanne.

“Although a way to upgrade your selection of drinks is to fill it with unique spirits and mixers. I like to collect unusual drinks I find in the supermarkets, as well as buy ones I spot when I’m abroad. My limoncello from Italy is one of my favourite additions to my home bar.”

Fun, personalised accessories

Don’t forget the finer details too, as these will make your drinks station personal to you. Joanne shares: “I love to have all my favourite accessories out on display. Fairy lights are an easy winner for me and immediately make that area of your home feel very cosy and special. Neon signs are also fun and help to give your space that party-like atmosphere. Try not to opt for slogans you’ve seen before, find ones that resonate with you!

how to create home bar

“Also, keep an eye out for unusual accessories that you find when shopping in vintage markets or flea markets. Another decorative element you could add to your display is stacking a couple of fancy cocktail or drinks books, which will be the piece de resistance.

“Another unique one is some cute jars of fruit. You can line them up and use them in your cocktail recipes too. Or sometimes I use cupcake decorations in my cocktails, which you can find in places like B&M and Home Bargains. Everyone loves a little cocktail umbrella!”

Bring the party to yours this summer.

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