This Ingenious $40 Tool Will Save You So Much Time on Yard Work This Spring

Photo credit: The Little Burros
Photo credit: The Little Burros

From House Beautiful

Picture this: You're sweating while doing yard work, lugging your mulch-filled wheelbarrow, with a rake and shovel in hand, and you suddenly drop everything. It's a painfully real experience any homeowner who works out in the yard knows all too well.

That's unless they have a Burro Buddy by The Little Burros, which is essentially a giant caddy for your wheelbarrow. Believe me, for $39.95, you'll save yourself blood, sweat, and tears as you conveniently push your wheelbarrow, and any and all tools across the grass-yes, without dropping them.

The Burro Buddy includes a drink holder and holsters for both long and short tools, as well as a water-resistant compartment for your cell phone or any other gadgets you want to protect from the elements. To make it even more convenient, the compartment easily pops on and off, so you can make the most of your time out in the sun without exerting extra unnecessary effort.

Here's what the Burro Buddy looks like in action:

Now, all you really need is a timer for your sprinkler system and hose to help you reclaim even more time spent doing outdoor chores, so you can actually enjoy the sun and relax.

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