Strike Over! IATSE Wins In Showdown Over Bank Commercial – Update

UPDATED, 12:33 PM: That’s a double this week for the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees. Earlier this week the union took on the Contract Services Administration Trust Fund over safety trainers and won. Now, after a strike action of less than one day, IATSE hase secured a union contract with Powershot Productions over a City National Bank commercial that was being shot in L.A. “Powershot Productions, agreed to terms with the IATSE,” the union told members Thursday. “The City National commercial crew will be covered by a Union agreement.”

IATSE added: “Thank you to everyone who supported the effort by calling in contacts from the company. It was the solidarity of all IA members in Los Angeles, collectively preventing them from re-crewing to finish the spot that brought about this successful conclusion.”

PREVIOUSLY, JUNE 22: A day after ending one walkout, IATSE has launched another. The union today went on strike against the producers of a City National Bank commercial shooting in Los Angeles. IATSE is telling its members not to render services for the shoot’s production company, Powershot Productions, until a deal on a union contract is reached.

“We remain hopeful that the company will respect its crew and sign a contract,” the union said in a statement.

The strike is just the latest in the IATSE’s ongoing campaign to organize nonunion productions in the city. Last week, the union led a walkout of safety trainers at the Contract Services Administration Trust Fund. That strike was settled Tuesday, and the instructors returned to work.

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