Hundreds watch solstice sunrise at Glastonbury Tor

A crowd gathering at the Glastonbury Tor around a fire as dawn breaks
Pagan and druid communities gathered to celebrate the summer solstice [BBC]

Hundreds of people have gathered to watch the sunrise at Glastonbury Tor on the longest day of the year.

As the sun burst through the clouds at 04:55 BST, early risers enjoyed views of the Somerset countryside from what is regarded by some as among the most spiritual sites in the UK.

Crowds gathered around a fire, cheering, clapping and dancing to the steady rhythm of a drum to welcome the sunrise.

The summer solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year in the northern hemisphere, meaning it is the day that has the most hours of sunlight.

Melissa and James standing in front of the Glastonbury Tor
James Richards and Melissa Rose say the solstice has become a biannual tradition for them [BBC]

Part of the ruins of the 15th Century St Michael’s Church, Glastonbury Tor rises 518ft (158m) above the Somerset Levels to give a panoramic view of Wells, the Bristol Channel, Wiltshire, the Polden Hills and Exmoor.

Couple James Richards and Melissa Rose said visiting the site had become a tradition.

"We do this every year, winter and summer," said Mr Richards.

"We were up here last night for the sunset as well, so we did both ends.

"I'm originally from Somerset so it's been a bit of a tradition for a while with friends. It's really lovely to be guaranteed you're going to see those people at the same time every year," he added.

Ms Rose said: "For us, it's something we do together annually and it's a good way to bring in good habits for the second half of the year, bringing change and positive energy.

"The atmosphere is always like this, it's amazing. Winter is a little bit less lively, not so many people brave it."

Mike Daniels sitting on the grass in front of Glastonbury Tor wearing a patterned shirt, waistcoat and hat
Mike Daniels said he feels "led by all the spiritual things that are happening" at Glastonbury Tor [BBC]

Mike Daniels travelled from Portsmouth to watch the sunrise at Glastonbury Tor.

"There was a brilliant sky," he said.

"The clouds just cleared away in time as the sun came up over the horizon. A giant curtain of cloud moved. It was very good."

A view of the sun rising over the horizon at Glastonbury Tor. There are clouds in the sky but the sun is bursting through
The mist and clouds cleared to allow the sun to burst through [BBC]

Mr Daniels said he sought out the event because of it's spiritual connections and atmosphere.

"I find as I've gone through life, my spirituality has always been there, but as you get older you're awakened to it more.

"My friend and I come up here and we just let things happen, we let our spirit guide us and we've had an absolutely fantastic four days.

"You meet interesting people and see interesting things. This is my outlet, and it's there for everybody, everyone can do it, just open your mind to it," he added.

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