Hu Ge posted and then deleted concerning words on Weibo



1 Sep – Hu Ge yet again caused concern among fans with his social media post, not long after previous talk about retirement.

On 29 August, the mainland heartthrob posted a photo of his bare unshaven face on his Weibo social media account, revealing the scars on his right eye from his 2006 car accident.

"I will try my best, I will try my best, I will try to stay calm. I am sorry to many people, and I hope to be worthy of this short life," he posted.


 Hu Ge posted this unflattering photo of himself on social media
Hu Ge posted this unflattering photo of himself on social media


Netizens and fans alike took to the comments to express their worry, with one writing, "Just a suggestion. Go see a doctor right away."

Some, meanwhile, suggested again that he might be drunk. It is noted that netizens previously accused him of having too much alcohol after he shared a previous post about wanting to retire in five years. Hu Ge, who announced his marriage and the birth of his child earlier this year, had since denied it during an interview to promote his new movie, and said that he was just being contradictory.

Hu Ge had since deleted the said post, and shared a different photo of him with an art depicting a panda and a dog.


Now, what's the fuss about, He Ge seems to say
Now, what's the fuss about, He Ge seems to say


(Photo Source: Hu Ge Weibo, Hu Ge Fanpage IG, Netease News)