Hu Ge is confident his fans will never go away

11 Jan – Although he rarely appears in public in recent years, Hu Ge recently admitted that he is not at all worried about his popularity among his fans.

As reported on Sohu, the actor, who decided not to remain visible on social media 365 days a year like most celebrities, stated in a recent interview that he doesn't think his personal life is worthy of attention to be doing so.

"I think the relationship between me and my fans is mutual trust. At the same time, I feel that I am an actor who speaks through his work," he said.

He then joked about being "trendy", and that he doesn't mind his fans "see" other people when they can't see him for months.

"But I believe that as soon as my next work comes out, people will pay attention to me again," he added.

Although he has been in the industry since 1999, it is noted that Hu's stardom went on the rise in mid-2010s following the success of "Nirvana in Fire". The actor went on to work on a variety of quality projects since then, including Peter Chan's Li Na biopic, "Li Na", the Cannes' nominated "The Wild Goose Lake", and Wong Kar Wai's small screen work, "Blossoms Shanghai".

'Nirvana in Fire' made Hu Ge a household name
'Nirvana in Fire' made Hu Ge a household name

(Photo Source: Hu Ge Weibo, China Daily)