Howling ‘Saw X’ Scene Had Neighbors Calling Police on Film’s Editor

How grisly is “Saw X”? The 10th film in the horror franchise — in which people are trapped in elaborate torture traps that often require them to lose body parts to survive — was so disturbing to neighbors of film editor Steve Forn that they called police to report “someone being tortured to death,” director Kevin Greutert said.

As Greutert, who has directed three films in the series and edited seven, told NME, Forn was editing a scene involving a gruesome “eye vacuum trap,” in which a character will lose both eyes if they don’t win the game devised by the villain, Jigsaw.

A doorbell camera captured the police knocking on the door of Forn’s North Hollywood apartment to tell him, “The neighbors [have been] calling and saying someone’s being tortured to death in here,” the director related. “And [Forn] was like, ‘Actually, I’m just working on a movie… You can come in and see it if you want.'”

“The cops started laughing!” Greutert said. “They said, ‘We want to but, you know, you’re all right.’ It must have been a pretty realistic performance!”

He added, “Plus Steve is such a mild-mannered guy. I can only imagine the look on his face when he realized what was happening!” He summed up the incident as “a pretty funny story.”

It’s not the first time a “Saw” film has made headlines: There were several reports from British theaters of audience members fainting at screenings of 2006’s “Saw III.”

“Saw X,” which is rated R for “grisly bloody violence” is now playing in theaters.

TheWrap critic William Bibbiani said of the prequel in his review, “[It] brings a simplicity to the series that, frankly, it hasn’t had since James Wan and Leigh Whannell’s first short film back in 2003… The appeal of this series was always Jigsaw, deathtraps and a sense of purpose, and ‘Saw X’ delivers all of those.”

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