Your Horoscope for the Week of April 18

Overview: Happy Taurus Season! The Sun enters the zodiac’s fixed earth sign on Monday and stays there until May 20, helping us prioritize pleasure and security. On Thursday, under a Venus-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, we’ll balance both security and surprise. Mars enters Cancer on Friday and stays there until June 11, helping us understand how our emotions are instructive for our desires.

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


Ground down, Aries! Taurus season’s start on Monday helps you feel centered, stable, and grounded. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled income zone wants you to think of innovative ways to find security. Mars enters your Cancer-ruled home/family zone on Friday, helping you focus on emotional safety and pursuing the people/places that feel like home!


Happy Birthday, Taurus! The Sun enters your sign and has manifesting all your birthday wishes at the top of its to-do list. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your sign wants to set you free from a thought trap that complicates your romantic successes. Stay agile! On Friday, Mars enters your Cancer-ruled language zone, making your word flow like honey.


Let it go, Gemini! Monday’s start to Taurus season initiates your month-long completion chapter. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled closure zone wants you to let go of a low-level romantic habit/relationship so you’re ready for new love. Mars enters your Cancer-ruled security zone on Friday, inspiring you to practice your values and protect your boundaries!


Reunion time, Cancer! Taurus season’s start on Monday wants you to clock out of work and reconnect with your besties. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled friendship zone helps you “see” your friends differently for meaningful results. Mars enters Cancer on Friday and blesses you with stamina and the power to make your dreams come true!


Werk, Leo! Taurus season begins on Monday and starts your most productive, ambitious, and successful professional month. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled career zone brings an opportunity through your network. On Friday, Mars enters Cancer and inspires you to release all the low-level things that hold you back from your highest, brightest self.


Back to school, Virgo! Taurus season’s start on Monday has you learning new ways of thinking and being for successful results. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled intelligence zone wants you to apply a smarter strategy in love. Mars enters your Cancer-governed friendship zone on Friday, inspiring you to showcase your leadership skills with them!


Reveal, don’t conceal, Libra! Taurus season’s start on Monday wants you to share your inner world with the most trusting people. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled sexuality sector has you letting go of control for maximum pleasure. Mars enters your Cancer-ruled career zone on Friday, inspiring more freedom, authority, and success on the job!


Spring fling, Scorpio? Taurus season’s start on Monday opens up a range of romantic possibilities for you! Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled trust zone wants you to connect with more trust and less suspicion. Mars enters your Cancer-ruled wisdom zone on Friday, helping you apply the lessons of the last year!

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And what about self-care, Sag? Taurus season’s start on Monday wants you to prioritize your wellbeing above all else. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in Taurus gives you strategic insight on your wellness through your network. Mars enters your Cancer-ruled intimacy zone on Friday, helping you see the connection between emotions and pleasure!


Only the bravest are vulnerable, Cap! Monday’s start to Taurus season has you framing self-esteem differently because you were emotionally exposed. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled confidence zone is a boost to your self-worth. Mars enters your Cancer-ruled romance zone on Friday, helping you find opposites-attract chemistry!


Happy homecoming, Aquarius! Taurus season’s start on Monday wants you to connect to the people and places that keep your heart safe. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled family zone could harmonize your relationship with the fam. Mars enters your Cancer-ruled routine zone on Friday, grounding you in a stabilizing activity to optimize health.


Use your words, Pisces! Taurus season wants you to be more proactive, not reactive with communication and listening. Thursday’s Venus-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled language zone wants you to speak up and ask clarifying question for understanding. Mars enters your Cancer-ruled self-disclosure zone on Friday, helping you share your inner world fearlessly.

Happy Taurus season!

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