Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in Aries Is Here

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Full Moons are a time for releasing and relinquishing. If you have an excess in your life, this is the time for it to go down the drain. Through silent meditation, exchanging of thoughts, or spiritual practice, Full Moons are a point when we can let go.

Get ready to look back: The Full Moon in Aries on October 9 is an astrological hint to reminisce on how much you’ve grown. Take this guide as a monthly reminder to set and review your intentions– your horoscope is a prompt for self-reflection. Full Moons complete astrological cycles, prompting us to journal about experiences that happened between the New Moon and Full Moon.

The Full Moon in Aries reminds me of a small child who detests being called a baby or any other endearing terms that comment on youth. Unfortunately, cold approaches and detachment are sometimes more readily appreciated than childlike wonder and softness. Running from our feelings of vulnerability can create a false sense of security, even as it leads to loneliness. So take this moment to get in touch with your inner child.

On October 9, 2022, at 4:54 PM EST, the Full Moon in Aries will oppose the Sun in Libra, completing its cycle. In astrology, the Moon is associated with childhood, motherhood, nurturing, and emotions. How do you honor the person you once were? Now is a great time to reflect on your moments of leadership and development through your past experience. Through pruning, we are inspired to bloom again.

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to nurture your inner child.

Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in Aries


How do you show up for yourself, Aries? One way in which we show up for ourselves is by deciding to be careful with whom we spend our time. "Friend" is a term you might be using a little too loosely. Of course, only you can define what a close partnership means to you. Take time to determine what true friendship means to you, and let the people that come to mind know you appreciate them.


You might quickly dismiss your feelings or shut down when questioned about your fears. Remember, dear earth sign, that what you feel often shows up in your body and environment. When you’re not well, your physical space reflects your mental state. Take time to look around and check in with your mind and body. Reflecting on how your space looks and your body feels when you’re doing well is a surefire way to increase your self-awareness.


Be sure not to spread yourself too thin, dear Gemini. You're a natural social bee, so you can’t help but be in all the places at once! It’s impressive how you can extend yourself digitally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Be sure to check in with yourself– maybe you’re due for social detox (and no, that does not mean ghosting all of your friends). Consider where you’re exhausting your energy and pull back as needed!


You are charging through your career, and it is a sight to see! With the planet of wisdom, Jupiter, still retrograde, during the Full Moon, you are being tasked to reflect on how far you’ve come. Do you recall the steps you had to take to get where you are? The sacrifices and missteps you made along the way should not go unappreciated. How did you become so courageous, Cancer?


Go back, way back, back to when you were knee-high to a grasshopper. What helped the younger version of yourself feel passionate about learning? Reflecting on your youth is a great way to develop a new sense of inspiration and drive, Leo. The more stimulation you create, the easier it will be for you to speak new ideas into the universe. When you start speaking up, then you can foster creativity.


There are plenty of changes going on around you. One is how you interact with the world. What you considered weird as a child is standard today. It can be difficult adjusting to changes; who knew there would be such a thing as a “new normal.” Keep an open mind and have compassion for yourself. You’re not alone in having to undergo the rediscovery phase.


The more energy you put into yourself, the more attractive you appear, Libra. It seems as though you’re catching the eye of plenty of admirers. If you’re interested in someone, now is a great time to flirt and see how they respond. A simple Hi, how are you? Would you like to grab coffee sometime? is a casual way to gauge interest. Worry less about rejection and more about gaining clarity.


You have spent plenty of time in meditation, contemplation, and self-improvement mode. As you have taken time to develop yourself, you've granted yourself permission to become more careful and protective. You may want to retreat, but the world requires your presence! Develop a steady routine for your shadow work and personal growth so you don’t always have to be in self-help mode!


Sagittarius, out of all the zodiac signs, you are most ready for a flirtation and potentially a hookup! Love and affection are available to you, and they can go as far as you’re willing to take them. Will you let lovers pass you by, or will you give one a chance? Sometimes the most challenging part of love is letting yourself have it, and the Full Moon in Aries is a great time to be spontaneous. Only you know when you feel the time is right!


Finding peace with your family is a surefire way to relax. As a diligent worker, you know it’s easy to get swept up by plans and obligations. What you may intend to be a short project might turn into a late night, or even worse, an all-nighter! Be sure to make time for your loved ones, Capricorn. And for those with generous PTO packages, now is an excellent time for a staycation or vacation.


Learning to speak your mind is a lifelong process, Aquarius. Changes and growth happen when you think you’ve learned how to articulate your thoughts perfectly. Make room for new information and show a willingness to treat communication as a practice. Communication is only wrong is when you speak harm to others or allow people to hurt you with their worlds. Remember that standing up for yourself is not the same as speaking over people.


In learning what is important to those you cherish, make sure you’re tending to your values. This Full Moon is the precursor to plenty of experiences that will help you recall what matters most to you. Investing in what you recognize as important is an excellent way to let those around you understand you more. You will be surprised who is willing to support you when you share your dreams and ideas with the universe.

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