14 Completely Terrifying Photos That Made Me Clench My Butt Cheeks In Fear

Happy January! It's a New Year, and I'm still feeling spooky, so here are 14 photos from r/oddlyterrifying to start your year off on a horrifying note:

1.This video of everyone filming the ball drop in Paris on New Years:

a bunch of people filming New Year's on their phones
u/Alk601 / Via reddit.com

2.This massive wave in Ventura, California that people had to run away from:

people running from a wave
u/Rarepredator / Via reddit.com

3.This person's monster of a wisdom tooth:

a giant wisdom tooth
u/Brent_Fox / Via reddit.com

4.This arrangement of pumpkins that illustrates how dilated the cervix gets during childbirth:

Pumpkins showing mouths open in centimeters
u/Lvl100Magikarp / Via reddit.com

5.This fresh blood someone found inside their house one morning:

  u/Saul_Berenson04 / Via reddit.com
u/Saul_Berenson04 / Via reddit.com

6.This extremely threatening sink:

u/PatientDom / Via reddit.com

7.This octopus wrapping its tentacles around a camera:

Closeup of an octopus's tentacles
u/TheCoolerSaikou / Via reddit.com

8.This Tickle Me Elmo without its fur on:

a furless Elmo
u/Lord-Summoned / Via reddit.com

9.This alligator blended into the beach:

An alligator camouflaged by rocks
u/Euphoric-Pear-4475 / Via reddit.com

10.This claw with a claw:

a claw with a claw
u/Streaker4TheDead / Via reddit.com

11.This mom's Halloween costume:

a person dressed as their dog
u/Brent_Fox / Via reddit.com

12.This haunting hair salon sign:

a scary face on a store's sign
u/LLamaNoodleSauce / Via reddit.com

13.This ominous meat packaging copy:

A package of meat
u/Cram2024 / Via reddit.com

14.And finally, this person's eyes:

a person on their phone
u/nonexisting-- / Via reddit.com