Hokkien Lam Ann Festival returns with traditional food stalls, AI + VR booths & much more, till 22 Sep

The Singapore Hokkien Lam Ann Festival is returning, bringing a broader celebration of Lam Ann culture.

Hokkien lam ann festival - exterior
Hokkien lam ann festival - exterior

This will take place at the Singapore Lam Ann Association from now till 22 Sep 2024, which is conveniently located close to the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Award-winning Hong San See Temple. Guests are urged to tour this beautifully-renovated national landmark while visiting.

Hokkien lam ann festival - inside of festival
Hokkien lam ann festival - inside of festival

This year’s celebration will include over 40 Hokkien dishes from more than 20 food vendors, including Hokkien Hu Tou Vermicelli (S$6), and traditional sweet delights like Ang Ku Kueh (S$4) and Sweet Potato Cake (S$4).

Hokkien lam ann festival - food stall
Hokkien lam ann festival - food stall

My favourite, however, has to be the Kueh Pie Tee (S$4) as they were almost like mini canapés as I ate and walked around while looking for more food.

The Braised Pork Belly Pau (S$4) came in a close second, with the bowl-shaped buns absorbing all the flavourful braised sauce like a sponge. The pork belly was cooked to perfection, with the ideal balance of fat and lean meat that simply melted in your mouth.

Hokkien lam ann festival - hu tou bee hoon
Hokkien lam ann festival - hu tou bee hoon

In addition to the food, attendees can participate in cultural activities such as lantern making, clay sculpture, and calligraphy and Chinese ink painting courses. There’s also kids’ games booth so your little ones will not get bored.

Hokkien lam ann festival - kids games booth
Hokkien lam ann festival - kids games booth

The event also embraces modern technology, including AI and VR experiences that help visitors better grasp Lam Ann’s legacy. These interactive booths will complement the extensive historical and cultural exhibitions on show.

Visitors can interact with the 4 main components of Lam Ann culture: the Hong San See Temple, Lam Ann Cuisine, Sheng Gong Culture, and the Lam Ann Spirit.

Hokkien lam ann festival - people on stilts
Hokkien lam ann festival - people on stilts

The Singapore Hokkien Lam Ann Festival is more than just a cultural celebration. It also honours the history and traditions of Fujian’s Nan An province.

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