Hit Songs With Lyrics That Just Don't Make Sense

harry styles watermelon sugar
Hit Songs With Lyrics That Just Don't Make SenseHarry Styles

Having a hit song doesn’t exactly mean that it's a lyrical masterpiece. Sometimes verses on your favorite track don’t make sense but that doesn't stop you from jamming out. It’s about the beat, melody and vibe of the music -- not always the words. Case in point: Harry Styles' Watermelon Sugar recently topped the Billboard Top 100, and we still aren’t exactly sure what he’s singing about. Is it about a girl? A fruit? A skincare routine? His song is one of many that proves having a wildly successful tune doesn’t need to make sense. Here are some hit songs with lyrics that will keep you guessing what they mean.

"Give it Away" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

I'm a low brow but I rock a little know how / No time for the piggies or the hoosegow / Get smart get down with the pow wow / Never been a better time than right now

While it’s unclear what "the piggies or the hoosegow" is supposed to mean, keep in mind this was released during the era of the Chili Peppers wearing nothing on stage besides socks covering their private parts. In a VH1 Behind the Music special, the band actually explained the meaning of the song and said, “The more you give, the more you receive, so why not give it all away?”

"Watermelon Sugar" by Harry Styles

I don't know if I could ever go without / Watermelon sugar high

Harry can thank Tiktok for this track going number one on the Billboard Top 100, becoming his first as a solo artist. Despite its popularity, it seems like no one can confirm what "watermelon sugar high" actually is. In an interview, Zane Lowe said, "Everyone's kinda figured out what it's about: the joys of mutually appreciated oral pleasure." Harry replied: "Is that what it's about? I don't know."

"Come On Eileen" by Dexys Midnight Runners

Come on Eileen, too-loo-rye-aye / Come on Eileen, too-loo-rye-aye / Now you’re full grown / Now you have shown / Oh, Eileen

As much as we love singing along to this classic, we’re not really sure if "too-loo-rye-aye" is a pickup line or a dance move. While some fans have speculated the line comes from an old Irish lullaby, we’ll never know exactly what it has to do with Eileen.

"Boom Boom Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas

Beats so big I'm steppin' on leprechauns

With Fergie rap-singing "I’m so 3008, you so 2000 and late", the Black Eyed Peas had the entire world singing these lyrics as the track spent 12 weeks in the number one spot on the Billboard Top 100. The four bandmates are the sole writers on the track, and it seems like this unknown lyric is just a metaphor that didn’t quite land.

"Babylon" by Lady Gaga

You can serve it to me ancient city style / We can party like it's B.C. / With a pretty sixteenth century smile

After fans found similarities in the track to Madonna’s "Vogue", they also speculated that B.C. stood for ‘Before Coronavirus’, but Gaga has not confirmed. Even though the lyrics don’t completely make sense to us, Gaga has shared that the song is about gossip. While we don’t know what a "pretty sixteenth century smile" means, we’re already imagining what the music video will look like.

"I Am the Walrus" by The Beatles

Man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe / I am the eggman, they are the eggmen / I am the walrus, goo goo g’ joob goo goo g’ joob

Joke's on us, because according to John Lennon this song isn’t supposed to make any sense, but written to mess with the heads of critics trying to analyze The Beatles songs. In an interview with Playboy in 1980, Lennon explained, “The first line was written on an acid trip one weekend. The second line was written on the next acid trip the next weekend, and it was filled in after I met Yoko.”

"Skinny Love" by Bon Iver

Come on skinny love, what happened here? / Suckle on the hope in lite brassieres / My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my / Sullen load is full, so slow on the split

Suckling hope in a bra? Sorry Bon, this just goes way over our heads. What we can gather from the brassieres line is a woman is involved. In 2013, Bon Iver explained the metaphor of the song, “You’re in a relationship because you need help, but that’s not necessarily why you should be in a relationship, and that’s skinny. It doesn’t have weight. Skinny love doesn’t have a chance because it’s not nourished.”

"Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen

Before you came into my life / I missed you so bad

Before this smash hit, no one knew who Carly Rae Jepsen was -- but can you really miss a complete stranger without ever meeting them? While the lyric seems to be a miss, the 2012 song of the summer was embraced as flirtatious but it's actually about Jepsen’s lack of confidence. She told The Hollywood Reporter in 2012, “I’m not overly confident in love. I’d probably be more coy about it, I guess, just like, ‘call me, maybe? If you want to?”

"Radio Gaga" by Queen

You gave them all those old time stars / Through wars of worlds invaded by Mars

Queen drummer Roger Taylor wrote this as a critique of radio stations, which were becoming more commercialized and playing the same songs. While the lyrics seem to be about selling out, the delivery of that message is a bit unclear. Fun fact -- this song is where Lady Gaga was inspired to create her musical persona.

"Take Me To Church" by Hozier

Drain the whole sea / Get something shiny / Something meaty for the main course

While we’re lost on the meaning of these lyrics and unsure of something shiny and meaty for the main course, this song is fueled with cultural relevance. The songwriter Hozier is actually singing against the church's stance on homosexuality.

"Stars are Blind" by Paris Hilton

Even though the gods are crazy / Even though the stars are blind

Paris Hilton’s single from her debut album peaked at number 10 on the Billboard Top 100. As much as we love Paris Hilton’s music stint, who are the gods and since when do stars have eyes? While there are nine writing credits on the song, Paris is not one of them.

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