'Hijack' Just Hijacked How I Thought This Batshit Show Would End

'Hijack' Just Hijacked Its Own EndingAidan Monaghan

This story contains spoilers for Episode Six of Hijack.

Listen: I realize that there's a strike going on right now. I know that actors can't promote their shows and/or movies anymore, otherwise I'd have already asked Ryan Gosling to break down Ken's "Push" cover from Barbie. (Specifically, how he uttered the lyric: "I want to take you for GRAWNTAHD.") But if I get a hold of Idris Elba's number, do you think he'd tell me what in Biscoff-cookie fuck is going on in Hijack?

I expected Episode Six—which hit Apple TV+ this Wednesday morning—to show everything going to shit. It's the penultimate episode! That's exactly what happened. The passengers finally decide to use their numbers against the hijackers, with Sam attacking Stuart, so that he won't kill another passenger. Terry gets bagged. Miscellaneous fist-throwing occurs. Then, the passengers start to win the battle, the pilot retakes control of the plane, and everyone flies home. Sam even negotiates his way back into his ex-wife's good graces! My man. "Don't You (Forget About Me)" plays. Idris Elba thanks you for flying JetBlue. Credits roll.

Except that's not what happened.

Who Is This Woman?!

In the midst of the hullabaloo, Hijack cuts to a random passenger—have we seen her before?—who receives a text message. She fast-walks to the bathroom, pulls out a gun, leaves said bathroom, shoots the pilot in the head, then overtakes the cockpit.

Damn. Idris, mind telling me what's going on?

Well, apparently we have seen this mysterious passenger before. Her name is Amanda, and she is portrayed by actress Holly Aird. Early on, we see Amanda nearly hyperventilate as the titular hijacking begins—and Sam even offers a few words of solace. But that's just about it. Clearly, most of the passengers we've briefly met were simply red herrings—including the Yellowjackets cosplayers in the back of the plane—and Hyperventilating Passenger Named Amanda was the Chekhov's gun of this whole series. At least it certainly seems like it.

RIP, dude who tried to kill his copilot just to mask his infidelity.Apple TV+

You have to wonder if the terrorist crew knew about her all along—she could be the group's airplane marshal of sorts?—or if she's some sort of rogue player, and Hijack will give us some Fast and Furious-esque, there's another evil secret organization! explanation here.Hell, maybe this is an Iron Man situation, where the villain possesses the hero's powers—but better. I'm all in on a finale where Sam vs. Amanda negotiation deathmatch.

What happens next? Well, Hijack's finale suddenly hinges on Amanda's true identity. It's hard to imagine an ending to this nearly seven-hour-long journey that doesn't see Sam saving the passengers on Kingdom Flight 29, but crazier things have happened in this show. But we know that Amanda now has total control of the cockpit—including that damn lock—so something will have to give here. Either the now-probably-real UFOs will take everyone to safety, or Idris Elba will somehow take the steering wheel himself and land this damn aircraft. As always, my money's on Idris.

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