How to Help Victims of the Earthquakes in Syria and Turkey

powerful earthquake hits syria and turkey
Turkey and Syria Earthquakes: How to Helppicture alliance - Getty Images

On Monday morning, a major, 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the central Turkey and northwest Syria regions. Hours later, an aftershock earthquake that was almost equally strong at 7.5 magnitude, struck north of the original quake.

The death toll, as of now, is estimated to be at least 17,500 people according to the latest reports from CNN. Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a press event that 64,194 people are currently injured. More are missing across Turkey and Syria. Recovery efforts are well underway, as several countries and organizations have begun reaching out to provide assistance. According to Reuters, Erdogan also announced that 45 countries have already offered help with rescue and recovery. But there are ways for individual citizens to contribute as well. Below is a list of reputable organizations where you can contribute to the cause.

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Doctors Without Borders or MSF is an international organization that provides medical aid to various countries in need. They have been treating people in Turkey in their associated hospitals and have been donating emergency medical kits to other people in the region. You can learn more here or donate to their emergency medical relief here.

Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS)

The Syrian American Medical Society has provided humanitarian and medical relief for Syria and Turkey since 2011. They are currently providing medical assistance at the Bab Al Hawa hospital in Syria for victims of the earthquake. You can donate to their efforts on their website here.

Save the Children

Save the Children is on the ground in Turkey and Syria ready to provide emergency assistance to children in need. They are working to gather resources to provide shelter, food, and warm clothing for children affected by the earthquake. You can learn more and help their cause here.

Turkish Red Crescent

Turkish Red Crescent is the largest humanitarian organization across Turkey and is a branch of the international Red Crescent and Red Cross organization. Their team has been directed to the affected region since the start of the earthquake. They have mobile kitchens, tents, and blankets ready for affected people in the region. Support their efforts here.

Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations

The Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM) has been providing relief and medical care to locals affected by the Syrian War since 2012. They have publicly announced a need for humanitarian aid as they undergo rescue operations. The UOSSM have asked for international communities to provide medical resources and assistance as their hospitals and medical facilities have been overwhelmed. You can donate to their operations on their website here.

The International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation

The IBC has released a public appeal for emergency assistance in the wake of the earthquakes. Efforts are being made to rescue tens of thousands of people who are trapped under rubble and collapsed structures. The IBC has operations based in Turkey and Syria and has requested these items as urgent for their rescue efforts:

  • Tens of thousands tents

  • Heaters for the tents

  • Tens of thousands blankets

  • Thermal clothes

  • Ready to Eat Food for at least to 5000 people we have reach for a period of at least

  • Basic first aid kits

Donation information can be found here and on their website.


Unicef, or the United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations. They provide humanitarian aid to children and adolescents in need around the world. They are currently on the ground in Syria providing aid to separated and unaccompanied children. Learn more about their operation and how to donate here.

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