Hello, your weekly horoscope is here

Hello, your weekly horoscope is here katie buckleitner

Overview: Tuesday’s the star of the show! A lunar eclipse in Taurus and a Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio make this the day when we begin to understand all the ways we're changing this eclipse season.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:


What’s your big truth, Aries? Tuesday's Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio inspires you to share something transparent and truthful with people who need to hear it. The lunar eclipse in Taurus on the same day gives you completion around a financial issue. Think about “sufficiency”: what you have is enough because YOU are enough.


Take wisdom from others, Taurus! Tuesday's Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio motivates you to accept some tough ideas that are helpful for your progress. The lunar eclipse in your sign on the same day inspires you to pivot, adapt, and change an area of your life through applying closure, completion, and a sense of release where you need it.


Notice the details, Gemini! Tuesday's Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio inspires you to realise how little choices can cumulatively create big outcomes. The lunar eclipse in Taurus on the same day reframes your willingness to set yourself free from limiting beliefs, circumstances, contexts, and relationships that you’d like to be liberated from.


Reveal, don’t conceal, Cancer! Tuesday's Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio encourages you to be bravely, vulnerably emotionally exposed. The lunar eclipse in Taurus on the same day wants you to reconnect, reunite, and support your friends. Think about how you’re willing to give and willing to receive within your community.


What does “home” mean to you, Leo? Tuesday's Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio focuses your attention to what you need for emotional safety. The lunar eclipse in Taurus on the same day motivates you to achieve career success by actively clarifying and leaning into your values. It’ll be uncomfortable but necessary in order for you to find a sense of joy and success professionally.


Read between the lines, Virgo! Tuesday alerts you to all the subtext around you during the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio. The lunar eclipse in Taurus on the same day wants you to expand your horizons through a direct experience with travel and/or education in a meaningful way. So explore the campus or country that’s been tugging at your curiosities!


Ground down, Libra! Tuesday inspires you to stay centred and nonreactive under the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio. The lunar eclipse in Taurus on the same day helps you understand your eroticism, intimacy, and authenticity in a deeply passionate and powerful way as you practice your values.


Use your words, Scorpio! Tuesday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in your sign helps you put a complex thought or emotion into words. A lunar eclipse in Taurus on the same day puts you into a romantic experience with your opposite so you can learn and grow through the contrast of personalities.


Snap out of it, Sag! Tuesday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in your sign helps you release a mental habit or emotional pattern that you’d like to let go of. A lunar eclipse in Taurus on the same day motivates you to try new routines and rituals that help you find a sense of inner peace. Your life works when you put in the work, Sag!


Check in with your community, Capricorn! Tuesday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio wants you to reconnect with your friends. On the same day, you’re being invited to share a deeply vulnerable truth bravely to people who need to hear it under the lunar eclipse in Taurus. Put yourself out there in courageous ways!


Insight strikes, Aquarius! Tuesday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio opens up your thinking to creative problem-solving that will help your career. On the same day, under the lunar eclipse in Taurus, you’ll dispel the myth of your sign being emotionally detached as you find greater connection with home and family.


Apply the wisdom, Pisces! Tuesday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio inspires you to do better because you know better. On the same day, under the lunar eclipse in Taurus, you’ll want to introduce more structure to your speech for accurate understanding with others.

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