#HealthBytes: Some science-backed benefits of pineapple that might surprise you

#HealthBytes: Some science-backed benefits of pineapple that might surprise you
#HealthBytes: Some science-backed benefits of pineapple that might surprise you

27 Aug 2021: #HealthBytes: Some science-backed benefits of pineapple that might surprise you

Pineapple is a juicy, yellow, tropical fruit that is available year-round in fresh, frozen and canned options. This sweet goodness can be added to your salads, desserts, bakes or grills and can easily fit into several sides. What makes it more interesting is the fact that pineapples come with many science-backed health benefits, giving us more reasons to enjoy the fruit. Here's more.

Prevents diseases: Contains antioxidants that fight various diseases and produce lasting changes

Antioxidants prevent the oxidation of free radicals in the body that cause chronic inflammation, a weak immune system and many severe ailments like cancer. Pineapples are rich in that, particularly flavonoids and phenolic acids. The antioxidants in this fruit are pretty effective as they are bound. This means they can survive harsh conditions in the body and produce lasting changes.

Digestion: Especially good for people who suffer from pancreatic insufficiency

Pineapples contain a digestive enzyme known as bromelain, which breaks down protein molecules. When proteins are broken down into amino acids and small peptides, they can be easily absorbed by the small intestine. This leads to a smoother digestion process. Pineapples are especially good for people who suffer from pancreatic insufficiency, a condition where the pancreas produce insufficient digestive enzymes.

Post surgery recovery: Bromelain may help in reducing post surgery recovery time

Not only does bromelain aid in digestion, but its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the recovery time post-surgery or workout. Studies prove that bromelain reduces the markers of inflammation, bruising and pain that occurs after surgery. It is also observed that proteases like bromelain speeds up recovery after strenuous exercises which can cause inflammation, pain and soreness of muscles for many days.

Arthritis: May reduce the symptoms associated with arthritis

Arthritis is a health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain have been found to provide pain relief for people suffering from inflammatory arthritis. Studies conducted as early as 1960s have proved that the component significantly reduced the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Include pineapples in your diet to prevent diseases and to relieve symptoms associated with the aforementioned conditions!

The news article, #HealthBytes: Some science-backed benefits of pineapple that might surprise you appeared first on NewsBytes.

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