Harry Potter Theory Links The Dursley’s Gifts To Deathly Hallows


We’re nothing if not susceptible to weird and wacky ‘Harry Potter’ fan theories, but this astute observation may just be the cleverest.

Redditor IShootWithACamera reckons there’s an intelligent but subtle link between the birthday presents the Dursley’s gave young Harry in relation to what happens in the epic Potter timeline.

While we all assumed Vernon and Petunia were perhaps the meanest and most spiteful of guardians, there may have been a foreshadowing clue in the unfolding of the story for Harry at Hogwarts.

Notably, the three gifts they send him could conceivably represent the three Deathly Hallows he picks up along the way. Call it a sneaky Easter egg, if you will.


So the theory goes…

During Year One, they send Harry a 50 pence piece, perhaps to represent the Resurrection Stone.

The second year he receives a toothpick that represents the Elder Wand.

And in Year Four, young Potter gets a solitary tissue to represent the Cloak of Invisibility.

The fan does speculate whether this is all coincide, but is it really? It seems too unlikely that J.K. Rowling would’ve included insignificant, fairly useless items that would go on to so closely resemble key inventory throughout the journey to defeat Voldermort.


And if you’re wondering why they’ve left out the other years and are being somewhat selective for this theory to work, then think again because the Dursley’s didn’t send presents for any other years.


Either way, it’s unlikely that these random ‘gifts’ would be plonked in without a thought, as Rowling meticulously plans even the most minute of details in each of her books and indeed across the series.

What do you think?

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Picture credits: Warner Bros.