‘Happy Days’ Star Anson Williams Wants Recount After Losing His Ojai Mayoral Bid by 42 votes

Actor Anson Williams said on Thursday he is planning to request a recount in the Ojai mayoral race after the latest results showed him losing by just 42 votes.

“The paperwork is being filed tomorrow,” Williams told The Wrap.

The official final results, released Dec. 7, showed Williams , who starred as Potsie in the hit 1970s and ’80s sitcom “Happy Days,” trailing with 1,781 votes to current Ojai Mayor Betsy Stix’s 1,823 votes.

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“It was an honor to run for mayor and gain the support of so many thoughtful, caring Ojaians,” said Williams, 72. “The election was hard fought and because the results are extremely close, several of my supporters are requesting a recount. “

He added: “Either way, the fight has just begun to right the ship in beautiful Ojai. The backdoor politics and divisive tactics of certain non-profit groups and their leaders are damaging to our community and need to be exposed and stopped. In partnership with my supporters, I will work to bring our community together to sustain and thrive in the city we love.”

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During the campaign, Williams said he decided to run for mayor because the “healing community” of Ojai saved his life when he was recovering from cancer.

But recently, Williams said, he was saddened to see the city torn apart by what he describes as divisiveness and conflict. He said he hoped to bring back the “spirit of Ojai” while pursuing a platform that emphasized sustainable environmental policies “to protect the community we love.”

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