Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop: how her vilified lifestyle brand - which is now a magazine - has defied its critics

Gwyneth Paltrow attends the goop pop Dallas Launch Party in Highland Park Village - Getty Images
Gwyneth Paltrow attends the goop pop Dallas Launch Party in Highland Park Village - Getty Images

As Gwyneth Paltrow announces a Goop magazine, we take a look at the surprising success of her much-loathed lifestyle brand

There are few celebrities as mocked as Gwyneth Paltrow – and few celebrity ventures as ridiculed as Goop. What started as a well-meaning, if aspirational, lifestyle newsletter – at its 2008 launch, Paltrow explained Goop’s website as “a little bit of everything that makes up my life… whether you want a good place to eat in London, some advice on where to stay in Austin, the recipe I made up this week, or some thoughts from one of my sages” – became an increasingly preposterous cipher for dubious treatments for ailments people didn’t think they had. Through Goop, Paltrow became a purveyor of practices such as vaginal steaming “to balance female hormone levels”, urinating in the shower “to improve pelvic floor muscles” and, famously, cooking with “sex dust”, priced at $340, to improve libido.

Goop has long been a butt of the media’s jokes. Headlines about the venture range from the punny – ‘Goop, she did it again’ (The Huffington Post, 2014) – to disbelieving – ‘Gwyneth Paltrow is telling people how to yawn with Goop’ (Just Jared, 2015) – to the downright damning – ‘Gwyneth Paltrow is wrong about everything: My adventure in Goop-endorsed cleanses’ (Salon, 2015).

But now Paltrow is having the last laugh. A recent New Yorker article revealed that Paltrow, previously best known for openly weeping while collecting her Best Actress Oscar for Shakespeare in Love in 1998 and bearing Coldplay frontman Chris Martin two unusually named children, was chosen by the Goop board to be the company’s new CEO. The previous one, Lisa Gersh, was ditched in 2016, a year in which Goop raised $15-20 million in venture capital. The company has recently announced it will become an online vitamin business, buying into the $36.7 billion-pie that is the US dietary supplements industry. And in April 2017, we learnt that Paltrow would launching a new quarterly magazine, published by Condé Nast and named, inevitably, Goop.

Paltrow's morning smoothie, featuring moon dust - Credit: GOOP
Paltrow's morning smoothie, featuring moon dust Credit: GOOP

There is, arguably, much to mock. One of the first Google results for “goop” brings up a webpage with a graphic image of a woman inserting a purple egg between her legs with the instruction: “Better Sex: Jade Eggs for Your Yoni” (the eggs, priced at $66 a pop, swiftly sold out).

However, nearly a decade after launch and Goop continues to make headlines – and attract millions of readers – with considerably better success than any other lifestyle venture a Hollywood actress has embarked upon. After all, few editors clamour for stories about Jessica Alba’s eco-friendly baby accessory company, The Honest Co, while Natalie Portman’s vegan footwear company Te Casan never even got off the ground. As Hollywood B-Lister Blake Lively found after her Goop-like venture Preserve failed in 2015 after a year of trading, "it’s hard to build a brand when you’re running full steam ahead".

So how has Paltrow done it? Goop is now a transatlantic company with offices in Los Angeles (the “kitchen” where “GP”, as she’s known to her team, started the brand off), New York and London and some “50 plus” staff looking after the website’s content and social media output as well as sales and merchandise. Their latest venture is vitamins, as Goop buys into the $36.7 billion-pie that is the US dietary supplements industry.

The Business of Fashion report that her website receives a bountiful 1 million unique visitors a month and by an audience desirable to advertisers: women aged between 25-45, who earn more than $60,000 per annum. What Goop refers to as the “homespun weekly newsletter” now has 1 million subscribers, some of whom – despite the spluttering outcry of the media - must be convinced enough by her doctrine to spend their money on Goop products such as skincare and clothing, at $140 for night cream and $225 for pajamas.

Goop's shopping website
Goop's shopping website

While Goop has successfully raised venture capital, it hasn’t always made money. In fact, in 2014, the company’s corporate SEC filings found that it was $1.6 million in debt. But it is growing, and has plans to expand into bricks-and-mortar shops as well as Goop-branded home and kitchenware.

The secret of Paltrow’s success? She works hard. In an interview for LinkedIn last year she admitted to having far steelier business acumen than her enthusiasm for sex dust may suggest, saying she was “addicted” to data and keeping an eye on gross profit margins.“These days I spend every waking hour trying to execute on a strategy I created with my team to make Goop the number one global lifestyle brand (a girl can dream),” she blogged for the professional social network, “while trying to get us to profitability”.

Paltrow has handpicked her team and the brand’s ethos isn’t obsessed with scale – the website, for instance, only publishes six stories a week in addition to the one newsletter. And Goop’s meticulous eye means that their captive – and engaged – audience are given things they actually want: not goods flogged-by-associated with a Hollywood star (such as Reese Witherspoon’s Draper James, a clothing brand inspired by her Deep South grandparents), but luxurious products which claim to improve their life.

Gwyneth Paltrow: "When you have an e-commerce business, no press is bad press" from LinkedIn Editors' Picks

But really, the fact that Goop has survived – and is seemingly thriving – despite the endless mockery is because Paltrow, as a former darling of Hollywood, is all too aware of the power of the press. As she told Linkedin, “When you have an e-commerce business, no press is bad press". Even in 2013 the scorn was beginning to fade, as Bloomberg’s Joel Stein admitted: “after a while you stop laughing at those $935 leather-and-gunmetal pants from Rag & Bone—instead, you want to own them”.

Because while, yes, Goop has introduced vagina-improving eggs to the mainstream, it’s also enthused about the benefits of yoga, juicing and the wellness that paved the way for the controversial “clean eating” phenomenon that’s dominated lifestyle trends for the past couple of years. It all adds up to suggest that Paltrow’s claim that she’d like to see her children run Goop one day isn’t so daft after all.

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