Everything you need to know about Greta Gerwig's Narnia remake

greta gerwig narnia film
What is Greta Gerwig's next project? James Gourley / Stringer - Getty Images

Greta Gerwig fans, prepare yourself. We may still be obsessed with Barbie, but now, we know what Greta's next directorial project is going to be and we don't think we're emotionally ready.

So, what is this new project that is going to be our new obsession for the next few years? Well, Greta is set to direct a The Chronicles of Narnia remake for Netflix. Can't wait!

So, from the news to potential plot and cast, here is everything you need to know about Greta Gerwig's Narnia remake.

When was Greta Gerwig's Narnia reboot confirmed?

On 2nd July 2023, it was confirmed by The New Yorker that Greta would be directing and writing at least two films based on The Chronicles of Narnia books for Netflix.

The Chronicles of Narnia are a series of seven children's books by C.S. Lewis, and have previously been adapted numerous times for stage and screen, with the most recent adaptation being the three Disney movies: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

In 2018, it was confirmed Netflix had acquired the rights to new films and TV shows of the Narnia series.

What has Greta said about the new films?

Production for the films are in the very early stages, with Greta recently saying she hasn't "really started wrapping my arms around it", which makes sense, she's been a little bit busy with Barbie.

Whilst speaking on the Total Film Podcast, Greta said she was "scared" and "excited" to begin working on the adaptation.

"I haven’t even really started wrapping my arms around it, but I’m properly scared of it, which feels like a good place to start,” Greta said. “I think when I’m scared, it’s always a good sign. Maybe when I stop being scared, it’ll be like, ‘Maybe I shouldn’t do that one.’ No, I’m terrified of it. It’s extraordinary. And it’s exciting.”

What can we expect in the Narnia remake?

Right now, very little is known about Greta's remake of the Narnia movies, including which books will be chosen for adaptation.

However, following the Barbie movie and Greta's previous films which are centred on exploring the female experience, many fans are expecting the character of Susan, the second eldest Pevensie sibling, to be a central figure in the movies.

In case you haven't read the books, Susan is the only Pevensie sibling who stops believing in Narnia and sees it only as a childhood game. Many fans are hoping Greta will explore Susan's character and give her a more satisfying ending than the one in the original series.

Who has been cast for Greta Gerwig's Narnia?

As the films are still in extremely early stages of production we won't be hearing about a cast list for some time. However, after the news of Greta's adaptation was confirmed, many fans have taken to social media to suggest who they think should be cast in the new films.

Many believe Timothée Chalamet should be cast in the role of the faun, Mr Tumnus, previously played by James McAvoy in the 2005 Disney adaptation. Oh, we'd love to see this.

Others have been suggesting everyone from Emily Blunt, to Saoirse Ronan and Gillian Anderson to take on the role of the White Witch, previously played by Tilda Swinton in the Disney version.

Whoever does end up getting cast, we can't wait to Greta's vision of Narnia.

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