Who’s going to die for real in ‘Avengers: Endgame’? Our spoiler-free predictions

Half of the universe died in Avengers: Infinity War – including half of the Avengers (including all those who aren’t officially christened Avengers yet) – when the Mad Titan finally acquired all the Infinity Stones and obliterated 50% of reality. As shocking as it was, we all knew they’d be back in Avengers: Endgame for the final battle against Thanos. Every superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is coming together to face the biggest, baddest threat that the universe has ever seen – and we can’t wait to see whether Thanos or our heroes win.

Here’s a quick refresher on how Avengers: Infinity War ended.

But here’s the thing. It’d be a bit of an anti-climatic reveal if a character who died in Avengers: Infinity War came back to life in Avengers: Endgame, only to die (again) in Avengers: Endgame. So everyone who got turned into ash is actually pretty safe. They died once already – they’re not going to die again. And most of them have standalone sequel movies coming up. We know they’re going to survive.

But the ones who survived? We’re betting some of them bite the dust – for real. Here’s our completely subjective spoiler-free predictions of each remaining Avengers’ chance of surviving Avengers: Endgame, written before the movie was released. For those of you who have already watched the show, you’ll know if we guessed right, but shhhhh, ok?


15. Captain America

Captain America. Credit: Facebook
Captain America. Credit: Facebook

Captain America. Credit: Facebook

Chance of surviving: Zero

Chris Evans, the actor for Captain America, has been hinting for ages that Avengers: Endgame would be his last movie. He even hinted it before we got the title for Avengers: Endgame. We’ve all been guessing that he’d die in this movie, so it’s pretty likely that he will.

As the heart and soul of the Avengers, it’d be fitting if Captain America dies to inspire everyone onwards. It’ll be poetic, really.

If that happens, maybe we can get to see Chris Evans in (yet another) future reboot of Fantastic Four as the Human Torch.


14. Pepper Potts

Pepper Potts. Credit: Facebook
Pepper Potts. Credit: Facebook

Pepper Potts. Credit: Facebook

Chance of surviving: Extremely low

Another actress who has openly talked about departing the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Gwyneth Paltrow, otherwise known as Iron Man’s girlfriend, Pepper Potts. It’d be kind of sad if she goes, but it’ll also motivate Iron Man to move forward and maybe build a bigger, better team of Avengers.

Also, if Pepper Potts dies – that might very well be the impetus for Iron Man to deal the killing blow for Thanos.


13. Hawkeye

Hawkeye. Credit: Facebook
Hawkeye. Credit: Facebook

Hawkeye. Credit: Facebook

Chance of surviving: Very low

Everyone’s kind of forgotten Hawkeye at this point. The poor guy is so forgettable that they’ve had to reinvent him for Avengers: Endgame so that we’d take him seriously. Since the Avengers are all about avenging people, Hawkeye would be a suitable person for them to avenge. His death would probably be the least emotionally-wrecking one of all the Avengers.


12. Iron Man

Iron Man. Credit: Facebook
Iron Man. Credit: Facebook

Iron Man. Credit: Facebook

Chance of surviving: Low

Remember that scene in Avengers: Infinity War, when Thanos stabbed Iron Man with his own weapon? We all thought that we’d never see Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man again after that, right? Well, what if he dies for real in Avengers: Endgame? There are strong rumours that time travel will factor heavily into the plot of Avengers: Endgame, so what if they revisit that stabbing – and Iron Man dies for good?

It’d be sad, but it would bring Iron Man’s character arc to a beautiful close. He would truly be the hero that he has always wanted to be.


11. Rocket

Rocket Racoon. Credit: Facebook
Rocket Racoon. Credit: Facebook

Rocket Racoon. Credit: Facebook

Chance of surviving: Low

Rocket’s cute, I’ll give you that. But he’s also really not cheap to animate. Plus, his voice actor, Bradley Cooper, probably isn’t cheap either. If they really wanted to deliver an emotional whammy (and make us hate Thanos forever), Rocket would be one of the best ways to make us root for Thanos’ defeat.


10. Okoye

Okoye. Credit: Facebook
Okoye. Credit: Facebook

Okoye. Credit: Facebook

Chance of surviving: Low

We’re going to go on a limb and say that none of the Black Panther cast will make it through the film intact. And of all the Wakandan characters, Okoye probably has the lowest chance of surviving. She’s not related to the royal family in any way, so she’s probably the least likely to survive from the Black Panther characters.


9. Nebula

Nebula. Credit: Facebook
Nebula. Credit: Facebook

Nebula. Credit: Facebook

Chance of surviving: Medium

If anyone should land the finishing blow on Thanos, it’d be his daughter. Because of that, it’s likely that Nebula survives the events of Avengers: Endgame. And even if Nebula gets into trouble, we’re pretty sure Gamora will be there to save her bacon.


8. Valkyrie

Valkyrie. Credit: Facebook
Valkyrie. Credit: Facebook

Valkyrie. Credit: Facebook

Chance of surviving: Medium

We didn’t see Valkyrie in Avengers: Infinity War, but she’s going to appear here. This means she survived the attack on the Asgardian ship, which makes her one tough cookie. As an elite Asgardian warrior, Valkyrie is a seasoned soldier and hence, likely to survive the final battle with Thanos.


7. Wong

Wong. Credit: Facebook
Wong. Credit: Facebook

Wong. Credit: Facebook

Chance of surviving: Medium

Let’s face it – Wong is hilarious. He’s also a wizard, which means that if anyone can defy death, it’s him. We’re rooting for Wong to survive. Who else would Doctor Strange (we know he’s coming back) talk to if Wong bites it? Plus, Wong is Asian, and we’re pretty sure the MCU won’t kill off one of their few Asian characters…


6. Thor

Thor. Credit: Facebook
Thor. Credit: Facebook

Thor. Credit: Facebook

Chance of surviving: High

Thor survived getting blasted by a neutron star to build Stormbreaker in Avengers: Infinity War. He also survived getting his eye stabbed out in Thor: Ragnarok. Plus, he’s a god. We’re betting Thor will survive. He’s already hundreds, if not thousands of years old. What’s one more cosmic event to him? Plus, he’s not as vocal about leaving the MCU as other actors have been… so we’re pretty sure he’ll stick around.


5. Black Widow

Black Widow. Credit: Facebook
Black Widow. Credit: Facebook

Black Widow. Credit: Facebook

Chances of surviving: High

With rumours of a Black Widow movie on the horizon, it’s unlikely that we’ll see this femme fatale die. She’s the eye candy of the MCU, and one of the strongest and most independent female characters in the franchise. She even outwitted Loki in Avengers! Black Widow will make it through Avengers: Endgame for sure.


4. Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel. Credit: Facebook
Captain Marvel. Credit: Facebook

Captain Marvel. Credit: Facebook

Chances of surviving: Very high

Captain Marvel debuted just a few months ago, and she’s been established as the most powerful superhero in the MCU. Disney’s not going to kill off a popular character that they just introduced. If Avengers: Endgame took place a few years later, we might believe that Captain Marvel would pass on. But for now, no. Captain Marvel is most probably a survivor.


3. Hulk

Hulk. Credit: Facebook
Hulk. Credit: Facebook

Hulk. Credit: Facebook

Chances of surviving: Very high

Do you even know how to kill Hulk? He’s probably one of, if not the most, durable characters in the Marvel pantheon. It’ll take a lot to kill the Hulk. Plus, we all want to see how his romance with Black Widow turns out. Will they live happily ever other? Will their babies be some cute little Hulklings?

Also, Thanos wiped the floor with him in Avengers: Infinity War. It’s only right that Hulk gets to make Thanos eat dirt in Avengers: Endgame.


2. Ant-Man

Ant Man. Credit: Facebook
Ant Man. Credit: Facebook

Ant Man. Credit: Facebook

Chances of surviving: Extremely high

We just can’t see Ant-Man dying, at least not anytime soon. And the rumour is that the Quantum Realm will be an integral part of Avengers: Endgame. So they’ll definitely need Ant-Man to defeat Thanos. Also, there aren’t enough jokesters in the MCU. We need Ant-Man to survive to bring some joy to the other serious, brooding heroes.


1. War Machine

War Machine. Credit: Facebook
War Machine. Credit: Facebook

War Machine. Credit: Facebook

Chances of surviving: 100%

War Machine? Yes, War Machine will make it through. Rhodey (Don Cheadle) is a mere mortal, but he’s quite literally the toughest human being in the series. Don’t believe me? Go back to Captain America: Civil War and watch the scene when he gets shot down by accident. He survives the fall – but breaks his back.

By the end of that movie though, he’s already made impressive progress in physiotherapy. Fast forward to Avengers: Infinity War, and War Machine is walking perfect normally. Yes, he’s wearing a walking brace or support of some sort, but he’s going straight into battle again, all gung-ho. For a dude who broke his back because he fell out of the sky, that’s pretty brave.

War Machine is the most likely to survive Avengers: Endgame.

Avengers: Endgame. Credit: Golden Village Cinemas
Avengers: Endgame. Credit: Golden Village Cinemas

Avengers: Endgame. Credit: Golden Village Cinemas

To find out who really survives in the biggest Marvel Cinematic Universe movie ever, you have to catch Avengers: Endgame for yourself. It’s the culmination of 11 years worth of Marvel movies, and we’ll finally get to see every Marvel superhero ever on the big screen, fighting the battle of their lives. If there’s ever a time you should splurge on a Gold Class ticket, this is it. Plus, Avengers: Endgame is three hours long! It’s definitely worth it.

Will Thanos survive? What will happen to the Infinity Gauntlet after that?

We don’t know, but we’ll find out – whatever it takes.


Want more Marvel goodness? Check out these other articles about MCU movies!


Credit: Facebook, Golden Village Cinemas


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