Glitter Fantasy Makes Your Shower Dreams Reality

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan

From Cosmopolitan

When it comes to your daily shower routine, it's a pretty straightforward process. Lather, rinse, and repeat, all while dealing with a less-than-glamorous apartment bathroom - right? Wrong. Without a dreamy shower to shake things up, you're living your life without sparkle, panache, and even the will to live. (At least according to Glitter Fantasy.) But not anymore.

Everyone's favorite unicorn correspondent is back with's fashion editor Rachel Torgerson to bring a little extra glam to your beauty routine with an exclusive product: Glitter Fantasy's Unicorn Shower Head.

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Whether it's at Coachella or on Wall Street, Glitter Fantasy is always here to make your *~unicorn dreams~* come true. Watch above as Rachel and Glitter Fantasy take your shower from a snooze fest to a rainbow dream.

Written by: Laura Beck

Senior Video Producer: Jason Ikeler

Videographers: Andy Clancy and Josh Archer

Edited by: Josh Archer

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