What can Geminis expect from 2024?

what does 2023 gemini
Gemini's 2024 horoscope prediction Getty Images

Want to know what's in store for your star sign for 2024? For Gemini, the year ahead is all about laying a sound foundation for your future - getting the basics in place and feeling secure. Work will be demanding but bring great rewards and confidence. Relationships will deepen and grow and become more committed. A major money opportunity will arise. Focus on what’s good for a future you.

Career predictions for Gemini in 2024 - Eight of Coins

Keep at it, Gemini. Keep grafting and putting in the effort, even in places you feel fatigued or fed up. Don’t give up on things in 2024. The rewards are worthwhile and this year is just one of those times that you have to dig deep, summon the fortitude to persist, and crack on. A breakthrough will emerge in January that hugely helps you get ahead and bust some moves. Further rewards emerge in May and September.

Love and relationship predictions for Gemini in 2024 - King of Coins

If you’re single then look for a rock-solid, older Earth sign (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) who is secure, ambitious and worldly. They are the perfect counter to your more social, imaginative, adaptable nature. Attached Geminis are in for a blissful phase of commitment building, nesting, aligning on core values and goals, and agreeing to be a team in this life vs just romantic partners.

Friendship predictions for Gemini in 2024 - Five of Wands

Don’t let the small stuff take root and grow into something bigger and harder to deal with. If you know you’ve messed up, say so and apologise. Squash it. If they piss you off, then tell them how you feel and give them a chance to apologise. Keep things moving. Nip issues in the bud. Be the pruner and maintenance person in your friendship groups! You have a nose for future trouble, use it!

Money and finance predictions for Gemini in 2024 - Ace of Coins

A major investment emerges and you must grab it and act on it. This could be a mortgage, saving scheme, business opportunity, new role or promotion, literal investment portfolio, pension, or windfall that you can put into something. Think about investment vs spending. Think about long term growth and prosperity. Do what’s good for a future you.

For your own personal 2023 tarot reading via email, visit Kerry's TarotBella page

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