Four things to keep in mind when going on your first date

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

You have gone through the awkward first few conversations, jumped through the hoops of how to talk to them over the phone and probably video chatted with them plenty of times too. Now is the time to finally see them in person and you are wondering how it will go, what you should do and you are racking your brain to calm down those nerves, nerves, nerves. We all want that first date to go perfect, create memories that will last and do something that our date reminisces about later on.

We will equip you with some tips so that it helps with the anxiety of the first date, based on a survey conducted by QuackQuack, India’s popular dating app. Rest assured, some nervousness will always be there. Here are four things to keep in mind while going on your first date:

Photo by Gary Barnes from Pexels
Photo by Gary Barnes from Pexels

Decide the place beforehand: Whether you choose a restaurant or a cafe, make sure that it is someplace you have been before. It would make the first experience so much nicer if the food is good along with the beverages, the ambiance, and does not hurt the pocket either. Almost 52% of QuackQuack users recounted their dates turning out bad because the experience with the place left them with a sour taste in their mouth. ‘’My date was nice, we liked each other but the lighting of the restaurant and the music made me rethink about a second date’’, said one of the users. Choose a romantic place instead of a hangout one because the ambiance matters.

Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels
Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels

Wear something comfortable: Yes, the saying goes ‘’Dress to impress’’ and you should put in effort to look good but do not wear anything that makes it difficult for you to sit down or stand up or eat properly. It is a date, not a job interview so take a deep breath and wear something that you feel like yourself in. 77% of the dating app users agreed that they would like to see their date in something casual such as jeans and tee rather than formal clothing.

Giving his opinion on the survey, Ravi Mittal, CEO of QuackQuack said, ‘’First dates are special and we all obsess over little things so that they go as planned. Sometimes, we can falter with the planning given that we are all humans but what matters is that we go home thinking it was an evening well spent.’’

Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels
Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels

Focus on your date: This is the most important one. Listen to what they are saying, notice their body language, be interested in their stories and do not talk just about yourself. If they wish to eat something different, don’t place their order for them. If they show signs of discomfort, reflect on what you could have said or done to make them uncomfortable, and if they have a story to tell, pay attention. Moreover, do not be one of those people who are absorbed in their phone when someone is talking to them or do not check other people out when you are on a date with someone. These little moves can annoy your date and you might never see them again. ‘’I was out with this one guy and he was constantly checking his phone every 2 minutes and didn’t look in my eyes or listen to anything I had to say. Worst experience ever. Never saw him again’’ tells one of QuackQuack users, bittered after the experience.

Don’t boast about yourself: Do not brag about everything you have achieved, your money, how much knowledge you have or what you possess. Don’t go on and on about your car, your house or the number of books you read each month. These might seem like good ways to make an impression on them but trust us, they backfire. Every single time. If you are witty and smart, it will show in the way you talk and compose yourself. 61% of QuackQuackusers said that bragging or lying or coming up with false stories was something they all had experienced on their first date.