Fish Liew wins HKFA accolade ten years after leaving Malaysia

20 Jul - Fish Liew is truly moved to win Best Supporting Actress at the recently held Hong Kong Film Awards, ten years after she first left Malaysia to develop her career in Hong Kong.

As reported on Oriental Daily, the Muar-born actress, who won for her performance as Ann Mui, the sister of Cantopop diva Anita Mui in the 2021 movie, "Anita", shared that winning the accolade is a summary of her past efforts, hard work and dedication.

"This is for my family," said Fish. "They are really worried about me living in Hong Kong on my own, and they are worried that I might have worked too hard. So, I want to share this moment with them."

She is also grateful that more Malaysian audiences now know who she is because of "Anita", as some of her previous works might not have been released in the country.

After sacrificing her years away from family, Fish expressed hope that she can return to Malaysia in the next ten years to be with them.

"But I don't know when. I still have some work arrangements and it will be troublesome to return what with the quarantine and everything. I have to plan well," she added.

As for her next goal, Fish smiled, "I am not greedy. My next goal is to play the lead."

Fish Liew won for her performance in 'Anita'
Fish Liew won for her performance in 'Anita'

(Photo Source: Fish Liew Instagram, Oriental Daily)