Twitter reactions to Ryan Murphy's new spooky Netfilx film

mr harrigan's phone on netflix
Twitter reactions to Ryan Murphy's new spooky filmNetflix

It's officially spooky season, which means scary movies are going to be on repeat until 1st November and fans are already praising Netflix's latest spine-chilling movie, Mr. Harrigan's Phone.

Mr. Harrigan's Phone was released on Netflix earlier this week and is an adaptation of Stephen King's novel of the same name. It's been produced by Ryan Murphy and stars Jaeden Martell, who previously starred in an adaptation of Stephen King's IT and the movie Knives Out.

Mr. Harrigan's Phone tells the story of a young boy called Craig (played by Jaeden Martell) who befriends a reclusive billionaire Mr. Harrigan (played by Donald Sutherland). During their time together Craig buys Mr. Harrigan the first iPhone, but when Mr. Harrigan dies, Craig receives a phone call from Mr. Harrigan beyond the grave.

fans are all saying the same thing about new ryan murphy netflix movie

The official synopsis of the movie reads: "When Craig, a young boy living in a small town befriends Mr. Harrigan, an older, reclusive billionaire , the two begin to form an unlikely bond over their love of books and reading.

"But when Mr. Harrigan sadly passes away, Craig discovers that not everything is dead and gone and strangely finds himself able to communicate with his friend from the grave through the iPhone in this supernatural coming-of-age story that shows that certain connections are never lost."

Mr. Harrigan's Phone was only released two days ago on Netflix (5th October) and it's already in the number one spot in the UK, with many fans praising the film on social media.

On Twitter one person said they thought the film was "superb" and the scenes with Craig and Mr. Harrigan were "a particular highlight". Another person described the movie as "one of the better movies" they'd watched in a long time.

Another said: "Just finished Mr. Harrigan's Phone and wow.. I really really loved it. Excellent job to Stephen king of course and John Lee Hancock!"

Jaeden Martell's performance in particular has impressed fans with one person describing his acting skills as "stunning" and another called him "incredible".

However, not everyone was as impressed and some fans were saying whilst they liked the film, it wasn't scary enough.

One person said: "Mr. Harrigan’s Phone is not scary but it’s really good!"

And another described it as "spooky not scary".

Well, it's good to know we won't be needing to hide behind the sofa to watch it.

Mr. Harrigan's Phone is available on Netflix now.

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