Everything you need to know about silica gel pouches

what are silica gel pouches
Why you should never throw away silica gel pouchesbong hyunjung - Getty Images

When you open up an online delivery, buy a new handbag or take a pair of new shoes out of the box, you'll likely find silica gel pouches inside.

While your first thought might be to throw them away, they can come in handy if you know what to do with them and how to store them safely.

Here, we explain exactly what silica gel pouches are and what to do when you find them in packaging...

What are silica gel pouches?

Silica gel pouches are used to protect items from moisture and keep things dry. Brands add them to new products, particularly shoes and handbags, to ward off damp and humidity in storage and in transit.

According to an expert at GeeJay Chemicals, a UK supplier of silica gel: "The scientific name for silica gel is silicon dioxide. There are two main types of silica gel: non-indicating and self-indicating. Non-indicating gel will adsorb (collect water on its surface rather than absorb) just under 40% of its own weight. Self-indicating gel will adsorb slightly less but changes colour when damp so you can see it’s working."

Is silica gel poisonous?

Silica gel packets usually have the words 'DO NOT EAT' printed on them but on its own silica gel is actually non-toxic.

However, cobalt is added to self-indicating silica gel, which makes it a toxic substance. For this reason, you must ensure these packets don't make contact with food.

You should keep all types of silica gel away from small children, and pets and other animals – even pure silica gel sachets could contain traces of harmful chemicals and are a choking hazard.

what are silica gel pouches
Rosendo Jose Serrano Valera - Getty Images

What can I use silica gel for?

Considering these little packets actively adsorb moisture, they can have uses around the home; you can reuse them anywhere where moisture tends to be a problem. For this reason, you may find it handy to keep some next time you open a parcel.

For instance, they can help keep sentimental photo albums or important paper documents dry, or they can be added to your jewellery box to prevent tarnishing. They could even help keep rust at bay on metal gardening tools – assuming you store them in a box, just add a few sachets. Don’t forget, silica gel can help deodorise too, so they might be a good addition to a smelly gym bag.

Wherever you use silica gel, just keep an eye on the wear and tear of the sachet itself; you don’t want it breaking open and spilling out inside your favourite handbag.

Where can I buy silica gel?

Thrown all yours away? You can actually buy silica gel packets online, from retailers such as Amazon.

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