Everything to Know About Professional Horse Girl Brooklyn Willie on ‘The Bachelor’

the bachelor abc’s “the bachelor” stars brooklyn abcricky middlesworth
The 411 on Brooklyn, The Bachelor’s Horse GirlABC

If there’s anything we can count on in this cruel, uncertain world, it’s that The Bachelor is going to follow the same formula every damn year. And it looks like Zach Shallcross’s season is just as predictable as usual, meaning that, yes, there will be a villain. Actually, there might be more than one if the rumors are true, because ABC’s editors truly love nothing more than putting together a good ol’-fashioned villain edit!

Which brings us to Brooklyn Willie, who spoilers tell us could be getting a villain edit of her own this season. Actually, speaking of spoilers, there are a ton in this article—hidden behind a GIF of Jesse “Go Back to ESPN” Palmer, of course. Till then, check out all the non-spoilery details we know about Brooklyn—including her super-cool job, social media, and bio.

brooklyn and zach on the bachelor getting a rose
Craig Sjodin - Getty Images

Brooklyn Is a Rodeo Racer

We got a glimpse at 25-year-old Brooklyn’s passion for the rodeo during her intro in The Bachelor’s premiere, and gotta hand it to her: This job is a lot cooler than some of the others we’ve seen over the years (other than “sloth”—truly nothing tops that).

As ABC poetically put it, “Brooklyn is a rodeo country girl ready to saddle up for the love story of a lifetime! At just 13 years old, Brooklyn discovered her passion for horse barrel racing and went on to study animal science. One day, she dreams of being a professional rodeo cowgirl and horse trainer.”

FYI, Brooklyn also works as a “lab designer” for an oral surgery practice, which involves her custom-designing teeth for “life-changing dental procedures.” Guess that explains why she shouted-out Zach’s “really nice teeth” during The Bachelor’s premiere.

the bachelor abcs the bachelor stars zach shallcross nino muñozabc via getty images
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Her Insta Has a Ton of Rodeo Pics

Professional horse girl vibes, incoming:

Honestly, all of this is really impressive, so here’s to hoping Brooklyn gets to show off her talent on The Bachelor.

She’s Had Some Relationship Drama in the Past

Brooklyn “hasn’t had the easiest path when it comes to her relationship history,” so it definitely makes sense that she’d join a group of several dozen women to compete for one man’s affection. Anyway! Here are her “fun facts” courtesy of ABC. (Personally, I appreciate that she considers her morning burrito important enough to make the cut here.)

• “Brooklyn would love to be able to teleport.”
• “Brooklyn is a two-stepping pro.”
• “Brooklyn loves to start her day with a delicious breakfast burrito.”

Spoilers ahead!

Brooklyn gets a One-on-One in the Bahamas

No pictures, tragically, but according to Reality Steve, Brooklyn gets the rose.

She Gets Sent Home in Budapest

While Reality Steve reports that Christina Mandrell is a “polarizing figure” in the first half of Zach’s Bachelor season, he says that Brooklyn will step into Christina’s shoes in the back half. Hence the whole “villain edit” thing we mentioned earlier.

No details about what exactly goes down between Brooklyn and the rest of Zach’s girlfriends, but apparently Steve “heard” that Brooklyn “was a pot stirrer and was in the middle of a lot of drama” and that she “liked to instigate things that seemingly would keep her on TV.”

It’s unclear if this dynamic ^ is one of the reasons Zach sent Brooklyn home after their one-on-one (or if they simply didn’t vibe), but it sounds like there’s potentially some drama incoming....We’ll update ya when we know more!

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