Everything You Need to Know About Penny Knatchbull, the Most Controversial Person Ever on ‘The Crown’

Everything You Need to Know About Penny KnatchbullPhoto Credit: Keith Bernstein

The Crown’s fifth season has *officially* dropped! But even before The Big Day, everyone was already spiraling about several plot points—including scenes involving Penny Knatchbull. And if your response to that sentence is literally whomst, you are not alone! Penny isn’t exactly a super-public figure, but she’s been a close friend of the royal family for years. So why is her appearance in The Crown so controversial? Because apparently, the show strongggggly implies that Penny and Prince Philip were having an affair. And as usual, the truth is slightly more complicated.

First Up: Some Basic Details About Penny

Born Penelope Meredith Mary Knatchbull (are you even a member of English high society if you don’t have a million names?), Penny was the only daughter of Marian Hood and Reginald Eastwood—who founded Angus Steakhouse. Although she mostly grew up in Sweden, Penny was incredibly close to the royals thanks to her marriage to Norton Louis Philip Knatchbull.

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Penny and Norton at their wedding in 1979.Central Press - Getty Images

Norton’s relationship to the British royals runs deep, but for starters, he was the grandson of Lord Mountbatten—who viewers of The Crown know was very close to then-Prince Charles. Meanwhile, Norton was also Prince Philip’s godson. Here they are together at Norton’s christening:

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Douglas Miller - Getty Images

On top of all that, Norton is also Prince Charles’s second cousin—and Charles was actually the best man at Norton and Penny’s wedding:

charles and friend lord romsey
Tim Graham - Getty Images

Anyway, Penny became close to the royals in part through her husband and was often seen hanging with Prince Charles:

charles, mountbatten and penny romsey
Tim Graham - Getty Images

But she became particularly tight with Norton’s godfather Prince Philip thanks to their shared love for carriage driving.

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Tim Graham - Getty Images

And they were often seen chilling at events:

prince philip at royal windsor horse show
Tim Graham - Getty Images
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Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

These two were so close, in fact, that Penny was one of only 30 mourners at Philip’s funeral:

britons and the rest of the world mark the death of the duke of edinburgh on the day of his funeral
Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

And she was also one of the mourners at the Queen’s funeral:

queen elizabeth ii funeral
Peter Byrne - PA Images - Getty Images

About Her Depiction in The Crown

According to reports from The Sun, The Crown’s fifth season will showcase Prince Philip “in intimate scenes” with Penny. Apparently, the “intimate scenes” involve “touching hands as he divulges details of his marriage” and we’ll actively see them “pursuing an affair.”

Photo Credit: Keith Bernstein

There’s already major backlash to this alleged narrative decision, and the Queen’s former press secretary Dickie Arbiter told The Sun that “coming just weeks after the nation laid Her Majesty to rest next to Prince Philip, this is very distasteful and, quite frankly, cruel rubbish. The truth is that Penny was a longtime friend of the whole family. Netflix is not interested in people’s feelings.” Yikes!

So What Was Penny’s IRL Relationship With Philip?

Penny and Philip met in 1974 and hit it off immediately despite their 32-year age difference, becoming closer when Penny’s daughter sadly died of kidney cancer in 1991. On top of helping her found a society in memory of her daughter, Philip often invited Penny to Windsor Castle and Sandringham Estate. Here they are driving around Windsor together in 2019:

royal windsor horse show 2019
Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

Royal expert Ingrid Seward writes in The Sun that Penny’s marriage hit rock bottom at the time and she was left to maintain their family home: “Running royal properties was something Philip knew full well, and having bonded with her over horses and carriage driving, their friendship blossomed further. While driving around sprawling country estates, Philip liked to discuss religion and other deep, worldly matters.”

Seward also said that “they were brought together by tragedy but were there for each other through thick and thin. He trusted her implicitly, and she adored him. She never betrayed him. She was a keeper not only of his secrets but those of the family.”

Meanwhile, back in 2021, The Sun reported that Penny had “been so much a part of royal life, household staff nicknamed her ‘And Also,’ because whenever Philip listed guests who were to be invited to a royal do, he would end with ‘and also Penny.’”

So…How Did the Queen Feel About Penny?

Before you start side-eying, Penny was also photographed a ton with Queen Elizabeth II. Here they are sharing a laugh in 2018:

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Mark Cuthbert - Getty Images

And all the way back in 2001:

royal windsor horse show
Fiona Hanson - PA Images - Getty Images

Meanwhile, Seward notes, “We’ll never know how the Queen felt about it all. Philip always was a flirt, and the Queen used to joke about his lascivious nature. If she had been hurt by rumors of supposed dalliances, she would never let on.”

Either way, the Queen and Penny remained close even after Philip’s death. He passed away in April 2021, and this is them hanging in May 2022:

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Chris Jackson - Getty Images

Wondering How the Royals Feel About The Crown’s Portrayal?

Not great! A source told The Sun in 2021 that “this is a relationship which naturally raised a few eyebrows and sparked quite a few whispers, but Philip and Penny maintained they were just friends. The makers of The Crown believe it is a relationship worthy of exploring, and casting a veteran actor like Natascha [McElhone] is a reflection of how high-profile the role is. But the highly personal relationship is unlikely to be welcomed as a storyline by Her Majesty or the rest of the royal family.”

Penny hasn’t commented publicly on her or Philip’s depiction in the show just yet, but stay tuned!

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