Eva Green Wins $1 Million From Producers of Failed Sci-Fi Movie, Lashes Out at ‘Bully-Boy’ Tactics: ‘Painful and Damaging’

Eva Green won a $1 million judgment in a British court against the producers of the failed sci-fi project “A Patriot,” which she said was of such poor quality that it would have damaged her reputation – then posted a long statement saying the “widely misreported” case forced her to stand up to “a small group of men … who tried to use me as a scapegoat.”

The “Casino Royale” star sued White Lantern Films and SMC Speciality finance, fearing that the movie she’d signed on to do was devolving to the point that it would damage her career and reputation. No help: Green’s WhatsApp messages, revealed during the case, in which she called one of the executive producers, Jake Seal, a “devious sociopath,” “pure vomit” and “evil.”

Green has since called the revelation of these messages “humiliating” and blamed her “Frenchness” for her language. The producers had countersued, arguing that Green’s “diva” behavior tanked the film.

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On Friday, a British court threw out the countersuit and ruled in Green’s favor to the tune of $1 million.

Justice Michael Green said the actor “did not renounce her obligations under the artist agreement,” and was still entitled to her fee. Green’s dislike of her former producers was so pronounced, the judge’s official ruling described Seal as someone the actor “clearly detested even though she only met him once.”

Following the ruling, Green posted along statement on Instagram, condemning the press for its reporting on her case. “I found myself misrepresented, quoted out of context and my desire to make the best possible film was made to look like female hysteria,” Green wrote. “To have my personal life dragged through the press and the court was more painful and damaging than I can say.”

Read Green’s entire statement below:

Today, after a lengthy legal battle, I’ve won my case in The High Court in London. The case has been widely misreported in the press and I’d like to take this opportunity to make my own personal statement.

I have won my claim against the financiers of the proposed film – and all the allegations which they made against me have been wholly rejected by the Judge. My professional reputation has been upheld. The Judge has found that I was never in breach of my contractual obligations. The judgement is clear. I am grateful to the Court, to the Judge, to my legal team and to my valiant agent who is my strength and my shield.

In this legal action I was forced to stand up to a small group of men, funded by deep financial resources, who tried to use me as a scapegoat to cover up their own mistakes. I am proud that I stood up against their bully-boy tactics. They made false allegations about me in public court documents which the Judge has now shown are totally incorrect. A few people in the press were only too delighted to re-print these lies without proper reporting. There are few things the media enjoys more than tearing a woman to pieces. It felt like being set upon by hounds; I found myself misrepresented, quoted out of context and my desire to make the best possible film was made to look like female hysteria. It was cruel and it was untrue.

As a result of this case, the cat’s well and truly out of the bag that I am mildly terrified of public speaking, that I don’t understand technical financial structures, that I am fragile in the face of aggression, that I’m passionate about my work and that my heart breaks when people are unkind. I’m also the kind of person who escapes through the back door at parties and is happiest at home alone with my dogs. But, most importantly, I want to add that I’m also at my happiest when I’m making the films that I love and that I believe in, working side by side with brilliant crews in the U.K. and overseas. Therefore, the deliberate misreporting by some of the press has amplified the pain to a huge degree and has been more painful than I can say.

I fought tooth and nail to defend the beautiful film that I loved and had signed on for. A film that spoke of a cause I hold dear – climate change and warned of the resource wars and mass migration that would occur if we don’t address the problem.

I stood my ground, and this time, justice prevailed.

I wish I could say that this ordeal has made me stronger, better, wiser. But to have my personal life dragged through the press and the court was more painful and damaging than I can say. Which is why I want to thank those kind people who, when I was being vilified by the press, supported me, on social media and on other platforms. It was a great comfort to me to know that I wasn’t alone and it helped to know that so many people could see through the legal tricks, the PR and the spin. I promise with all my heart, I will always strive to deserve the kind support that you have given me.

Thank you.

Eva x

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