Ethan Ruan and Tiffany Hsu reconciled?

23 Jul - Rumours are rife that former celebrity couple, Ethan Ruan and Tiffany Hsu, has patched things up.
As reported on UDN, Tiffany recently shared photos of her vacation in Paris with fans on social media. Meanwhile, Ethan was also spotted at a café in the city a few days ago.
The coincidence sparked speculations that the former lovers have reconciled.
This isn't the first time they were seen together after the breakup.
The two of them were previously seen in Keelung together, sparking rumours of reconciliation. However, Tiffany later denied the rumours, saying that she is currently single.
The model's manager has declined to respond to the rumours, saying that they will not meddle in their artiste's private life.
Ethan and Tiffany broke up in March this year after eight years of relationship, amid rumours that the actor cheated on her with actress Zhou Dongyu.
Ethan has been working hard in trying to mend their relationship ever since.
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