This is the ending of Netflix's Unseen explained

netflix's unseen ending explained
The ending of Netflix's Unseen explainedYouTube - Netflix

Netflix has treated us yet again, with a brand new gripping mystery thriller series called Unseen. The six part series is set in South Africa, and was released last week.

Unseen focuses on Zenzi, a cleaner who is looking for her husband after he mysteriously disappeared following his release from prison. However, on her journey to find out what happened to her husband, Zenzi discovers he has been involved with the wrong people, leading to disastrous consequences for Zenzi and her family.

So how exactly does the tense series end? This is everything you need to know.

What is Unseen about?

Unseen opens with a shot of a woman named Zenzi being arrested for the murder of a number of men. The rest of the series then shows the five day buildup to this moment.

Going back five days earlier we see Zenzi, who is a cleaner, due to pick up her husband, Max, from prison, two years after he was sentenced for the murder of a man named Yazid Noordien. Around the time Max was sent to prison, two gangsters broke into the couple's home and killed their son Esulu.

Zenzi travels to the prison for his 5 o'clock release, only to be told by the prison guard Max was released earlier that morning.

Desperate to understand where Max is, Zenzi goes onto a quest to find him, leaving several dangerous men dead in her path to uncover the truth.

netflix's unseen ending explained

What happened next?

After being unable to find Max, Zenzi approached Raymond, a friend of Max's and a gangster. He shared with her information about a man named Jackson Thom who said he might know something about Max.

When visiting Jackson, he threatened Zenzi, telling her unless Max paid what he owed him, he would keep Zenzi as collateral. However, Zenzi in the heat of the moment ends up killing Jackson with a gun she stole from Raymond.

Shortly after she kills another man called Ernie Meyers, who offered her a job working for Raymond.

Zenzi goes to Raymond, who assigns her the task of killing his boss Blessing, as he has had enough of being told what to do. She succeeds in killing him, but makes numerous mistakes at the crime scene which leads the police and Blessing's lawyer Ruben Theron to grow suspicious that Blessing's death wasn't drug related, but instead he died of asphyxiation.

Raymond wants to keep his hands clean of the whole thing, and so orders one of his workers Joseph to kill Zenzi and take the gun back she stole.

However, Zenzi manages to kill Joseph first and whilst dying, he reveals one key piece of information - he knows where Max is.

netflix's unseen ending explained

Where is Max and why was he sent to jail?

In his dying breath Joseph revealed Max is in Caledon with his mother. But why? Well it all goes back to why he was originally arrested.

Max used to work at Blessing's bar and knew Yazid, the man he was accused of murdering. Yazid and his friend Farouk made a plan to blackmail Blessing for large amounts of money, but they were slightly unprepared for the people they were dealing with and so Blessing killed Yazid.

As someone who worked for Blessing, Max took the fall for Yazid's death and was told by Blessing Zenzi and their son would be looked after.

However, upon learning this wasn't the truth, Max planned to tell the police the truth and when Blessing heard about this he planned to kill Max when he was released from jail.

In order to avoid Blessing, Max travelled to stay with his mum, where he teamed up with Farouk to try and prove Blessing was involved in money laundering.

Blessing's lawyer Ruben sends Raymond to kill Max after they discover the money has been compromised. However, he only finds Farouk, who he kills in a fit of rage.

Max is then killed by the police who are looking for him, before he can reach Zenzi at the train station, where she is arrested by the police. Raymond managed to find the drive that contains all the information about the money.

netflix's unseen ending explained

How does Unseen end?

After being arrested Zenzi is questioned over the murders of Jackson, Blessing, Ernie, Enrico, and Farouk. However, Zenzi is unable to process anything. She has now lost her husband and son, and the only proof of incriminating evidence, aka the drive, has been stolen by Raymond.

The police theorised Max was the person behind the killing spree, but they needed Zenzi to confess to make a stronger case.

Zenzi begins to tell the police about the money laundering, when the ballistics report reveals the gun that shot her son belonged to Raymond. Now, with this valuable information she becomes determined to tell the truth.

However, it is then revealed that it is a man named Andrew Harting who has been the mastermind behind the whole money laundering operation. He wants to put at end to Zenzi and so orders one of his contacts in the police to kill her.

A police officer offers Zenzi a chance to escape, which she takes, however, she soon realised everything is not what it seems. She somehow manages to survive jumping off a cliff whilst trying to escape the officer and his accomplice.

She confesses to Ngesi what she's done and explains her reasons why before going after Raymond. At Raymond's office, his assistant tells Zenzi Raymond is at Blessing's bar, which Zenzi is unaware is a trap.

When she arrives Ruben and Raymond are facing off, before Raymond is taken into custody by Ruben's men, who try to make him confess.

After they leave Zenzi finally gets her turn to confront Raymond, who confesses to murdering Zenzi's son but says it was an accident. As a fire burns in the background, Raymond begs Zenzi to untie him, but she leaves him there to burn to death.

As the series ends we see Zenzi on the edge of a building, looking like she is about to commit suicide, devastated after losing her son and husband.

Her sister Naledi begs her to come down, telling her they can fight to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The episode ends just as Zenzi steps forward, with no conclusive answer as to if she did jump. We're really keeping our fingers crossed she didn't.

Unseen is available on Netflix now

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