The ending of Netflix's The Lincoln Lawyer season 2 explained

lincoln lawyer season 2 part 2 ending explained
Was Lisa found guilty in The Lincoln Lawyer? Netflix

After making us wait nearly a whole month (er, what was that about Netflix?) the second part of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2 is finally out.

The second season is based on Michael Connelly's fourth book in The Lincoln Lawyer series The Fifth Witness, and sees Mickey (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo) take on the case of Lisa Trammel (Lana Parrilla) who has been accused of murdering local developer Mitchell Bondurant.

The next five episodes have thankfully given us some much needed answers to our questions, like who beat up Mickey in the parking lot? Will Lorna and Cisco ever get married? And most importantly, is Lisa really guilty of murdering Mitchell Bondurant?

lincoln lawyer season 2 part 2 ending explained

And in case you needed reminding of everything that went down in that final epic episode, here's the full ending of The Lincoln Lawyer season two explained.

What happens in the final episode of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2?

The final episode begins with Mickey and Lorna (Becki Newton) heading to the trial for the closing statements. On their way there they get a call from Cisco (Angus Sampson) who reveals Walter Kim's car has been abandoned and discovered by police. Cisco shares his theories and suggests Alex Grant did something to Walter Kim to "shut him up permanently".

Mickey heads into trial and gives his closing statement to the jury. The jury goes into deliberation and Lisa and Mickey sit outside whilst they wait, however, it's only literal moments later that Lorna heads out to tell them to come back in as the jury has made their verdict.

The jury reveal they have found Lisa "not guilty" of Mitchell Bondurant's murder. The whole court room erupts in applause with Lisa hugging Mickey, relived to be innocent. So it's a happy ending all round? Yeah, not quite.

lincoln lawyer season 3

Back at the office Mickey's mum gets a new acting job and heads off to Canada, whilst the rest of the group celebrate the win.

Mickey gets a call from Lisa inviting him to a celebration party but he declines as he just wants to sleep, and is then called into the conference room by Cisco who shares his theory on how Walter Kim may have killed Mitchell. Despite the plausible theory Mickey says he's not interested as it's not their problem any more.

Lorna gets a call from her wedding venue who tells her they've been double booked, leaving her upset but Cisco comforts her telling her the main thing is they get to marry each other. Whilst saying this he shares a knowing glance with Izzy (Jazz Raycole).

Lisa turns up Mickey's door to thank him, but before he lets her in he asks her to fire him as her lawyer which she gladly does and the pair begin kissing, as Lisa drops a takeaway on the floor.

The next day Mickey heads into the office where Andrea (Yaya DeCosta) shows up and gives him a present - a mug that says 'number one lawyer'. She tells him they found more evidence which suggests Walter Kim was responsible for Mitchell's murder, but as he is presumed dead there's not much they can do. And as for Alex Grant, he's being looked into for construction fraud.

lincoln lawyer season 2 part 2 ending explained

Mickey goes to get ice cream with his daughter but whilst on their walk he hears some electric guitar music which triggers a memory of his call with Lisa's husband Jeff. He goes to call Cisco.

Back at his apartment Mickey does some digging on his computer looking at Lisa's staff at her restaurant and receives an email from Cisco titled 'Tramell Divorce'. The next day he heads over to Lisa's place.

He confronts her about her marriage to Jeff, saying he had a feeling she was hiding something from him the whole time. He questioned why they never divorced and he then shows her the picture from René's social media which proves the man claiming to be Jeff outside Lisa's office wasn't actually her husband, but one of her former staff who is an out of work actor. Mickey said he realised the fake Jeff wasn't calling him from Ensenada but Venice Beach where he lives, which is how Mickey connected it all together.

The pair argue over Jeff, and at one point Mickey looks over to the herb garden, which he realises is where Jeff was buried after Lisa killed him. Lisa begs him to leave it and mentions the abuse she suffered, but Mickey walks away.

Mickey gets back in the car and Lorna reveals she called the police, who turn up and Mickey asks to be left out of it.

Lorna and Cisco finally get married and head to their surprise wedding brunch which was all Izzy's idea, now the knowing glance makes sense. Izzy and Mickey share a sweet moment where she says she's going to miss driving Mickey around now that she's embarking on her new project.

lincoln lawyer season 2 part 2 ending explained

What happens at the end of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2?

Just when you think everything is going well and we have the happy wedding ending, another case shows up.

Mickey heads out to dinner with Legal Siegal, who gives him some sage advice about life and questions if Alex Grant would still be mad at Mickey. As Mickey leaves the restaurant he is almost hit by a fast black car. He calls Izzy to ask what kind of car Alex Grant drives, which she says is a black Audi.

Whilst on the phone Izzy also reveals Mickey has a new client - Julian Lacosse. Julian has been accused of murder and is being held at the Sheriff's office. Despite wanting to go home, Mickey heads to find Julian, who tells him he was recommended by Giselle Dallinger. However, Mickey said he doesn't know Giselle and Julian emotionally explains Giselle is now dead and he's been accused of her murder but he didn't do it.

Mickey heads to the mortuary where he is shown Giselle's body, who it turns out is actually Glory Days, aka Gloria Dayton from season one episode 10.

The episode ends with Mickey looking at Gloria. Well we guess we know what season three of The Lincoln Lawyer will cover.

The Lincoln Lawyer season 2 is out now on Netflix

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