The ending of Black Mirror's Joan Is Awful explained

joan is awful
Black Mirror's Joan Is Awful ending explainedNetflix

Contains spoilers for Black Mirror season six

It may be peak summer weather outside, but we're firmly staying in for the next few days, thanks to the new season of Black Mirror dropping on Netflix today (15th June).

The sixth season from creator Charlie Brooker features five brand new stories, full of the twists and turns we've come to expect from a Black Mirror episode, and some surprises too.

The first episode in the series 'Joan Is Awful' stars Annie Murphy as Joan, a woman who discovers her entire life is being played out for the world to see on a television show, where she's portrayed by Salma Hayek. If that wasn't creepy enough, there's a rather big twist that happens at the end.

So if you're still a little confused over the ending, then this is everything you need to know about Black Mirror's 'Joan Is Awful' episode.

What happens in Joan Is Awful?

'Joan Is Awful' begins by showing us a typical day in the life of Joan (Annie Murphy). She gets up in the morning, brushes her teeth and heads downstairs to have her breakfast served by her boyfriend Krish. She drives to work where she appears to have a job at a tech firm, where she hates the coffee and her first job of the day is to fire one of her employees Sandy.

She's getting texts from her ex-boyfriend Mac and accidentally drops a vape on Sandy as she's escorted out of the building. Joan then heads to her therapy session where she tells her therapist she finds her relationship with Krish very safe but a bit boring, even his food is bland she notes. Joan tells her therapist she feels like she's on auto-pilot, and is not the main character in her own life.

After many persistent texts from Mac (Rob Delaney), Joan heads to a bar up with him where the pair kiss before Joan rushes off home.

joan is awful ending explained

Back at her house Krish has made dinner and they settle in for a night of watching something on Streamberry (that's the Black Mirror version of Netflix btw). They stumble upon a show called 'Joan Is Awful' which features a title card of a woman that looks exactly like Joan except it's Salma Hayek (portrayed by, you guessed it Salma Hayek Pinault).

After Krish insists, Joan reluctantly accepts watching and what unfolds is the day we've just seen Joan go through, except this time there's a few changes. Joan is played by Salma Hayek, who brings a bit more gumption to Joan's usual attitude to life. As the real Joan and Krish watch themselves on screen confused, so too do their friends and colleagues, who are all equally surprised by the TV show.

When it comes to the scene where Joan and Mac (he's played by Ben Barnes in this version) kiss, Krish packs up his stuff and leaves, whilst Joan begs him to stay. In the TV version of Joan's life, Salma Hayek sees Cate Blanchett play her on screen.

netflix's black mirror joan is awful ending explained

The next day the real Joan heads to work, where she discovers everyone watched the show the previous evening and worse than that, she has been fired after she technically revealed the company's data server and algorithm plans via the TV show. Well the Salma Hayek version of Joan did.

That night she watches the latest episode of 'Joan Is Awful' where she watches herself being fired and reads in the paper about Streamberry's CEO Mona Javadi who is praising the show about Joan.

The following day Joan heads to her lawyer's office where she is told she technically signed over the rights to use her life for entertainment to Streamberry when she signed up for the account. Then Joan believes she can sue Salma Hayek for impersonating her, however her lawyer informs her that's not possible as the show uses a digital likeness of Salma Hayek, after she licensed her image to them, rather than physically filming the real Salma. Her lawyer reveals Streamberry could technically do anything they wanted to Salma's likeness and that the reason they're able to get Joan's life processed and made into a show so quickly is because they can track her through her phone.

Joan heads to see Mac who doesn't want to have sex with her for fear it'll end up on the series. After heading home furious and upset Joan rewatches the clip where her lawyer mentions about Streamberry using Salma Hayek's licence for something she wouldn't want them to, which gives her an idea.

The next day Joan forces herself to eat loads of burgers, takes a laxative, dresses up as a cheerleader with a penis drawn on her forehead and heads to a wedding at a local church, where the effects of the laxatives kick in with disastrous/hilarious consequences.

The "real Salma Hayek" sees herself on screen and demands to know why her lawyer allowed the scene to take place. Her lawyer reveals there's nothing she can do about it as she signed over the rights to use her likeness.

joan is awful

After firing her lawyer she heads to Joan's house, where the pair have an argument about whose fault the situation they find themselves in is. Joan apologises for what she did in the church but explains she was doing it to get Salma's attention so she could tell Streamberry to stop the show. However, Salma reveals there was nothing she could do to stop the show coming out.

They realise they are both getting screwed over by Streamberry and hatch a plan to stop the show by physically destroying the server that creates the show.

How does Black Mirror's 'Joan Is Awful' end?

With their plan in motion, Salma heads into Streamberry's office, where she pretends to need the toilet in order to sneak past security.

Once she's through to the office she lets Joan in and they sneak up to Mona Javadi's office. They listen to Mona's interview with a journalist where she explains they are creating "experimental entertainment, computer generated material" with a quamputer located at the end of the corridor. Mona explains the machine is an 'infinite content creator' which is able to create 'entire multiverses into existence' and creates shows in a reduced timeframe.

Mona reveals they used Joan to test the system as she is completely boring and a nobody. The plan is to then launch it to create tailored content for each of their viewers, so everyone will have their own 'X Is Awful' episode. They picked 'awful' as opposed to 'awesome' as they found viewers responded better to negative content.

joan is awful ending explained

Joan and Salma have seen enough and break into the quamputer room where they find the assistant looking after the machine played by Michael Cera.

After seeing a clip of herself on screen Joan asks what is going on, to which he reveals she is not the 'source Joan' and is just one of many Joans in the multiverse of Joans. Still confused, Michael Cera's character reveals she is actually a Joan played by a digital likeness of Annie Murphy. When the Source Joan watches Joan Is Awful she sees Annie Murphy playing her.

He continues to explain that the 'level' they are on right now is level one, where Annie Murphy is coded to play Joan, and Salma Hayek is coded to play herself. Ultimately the level they're on now is not reality.

As Joan/Annie goes to destroy the quamputer Mona bursts in and says if she destroys it she'll also destroy every fictive universe and all the billion digital souls who consider themselves real will die. Pretty deep huh?

However, Joan/Annie realises she can't stop herself from doing it as it means Source Joan has already been in there reality because the events have already happened in reality and this isn't her decision. She destroys the quamputer and all the versions of Joan embody her for just a second before the machine goes down.

Source Joan and Annie Murphy are arrested and taken away from Streamberry. The series ends with the revelation Source Joan is dating again, and has finally opened her own coffee shop, and is friends with Annie Murphy, all whilst on house arrest. Joan tells her therapist she finally feels like the main character in her own life.

Black Mirror season six is available on Netflix now

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