ELLE's Guide To Spending The Bank Holiday Weekend

girlfriends clink cocktails during dinner
ELLE's Guide To Spending The Bank Holiday Weekend Maria Korneeva - Getty Images

Ah, it's that time of year again, the early May bank holiday. This year it rolls over May 6, and acts as a much needed respite between the spring and summer seasons. It's the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends, make that trip back home to see family, take in the buzziest cultural spots and, of course, update your wardrobe to new season styles.

If like some of us, the long bank holiday weekend has snuck up on you or the decision fatigue has struck, fear not as there is still time to book that last minute trip, a solo-date to the cinema or a new gallery opening.

Stuck on what to do over the bank holiday weekend? We've got you covered for with a full-proof list of what to do over the bank holiday weekend to top up your cultural, food and travel intake:

Lena de Casparis, Deputy Editor & Culture Director

There’s something about a bank holiday that sets off a siren of ‘GET OUT OF LONDON, QUICK’. Normally that means driving to the country and finding a pub or jumping on the train to the Essex Coast.

'But this Monday I’m taking the kids to the Children’s Spring Party at Updown (an amazing delicious B&B and restaurant in Kent) where there’s a bouncy castle and wreath making for them, and a tasty lunch and some cold wine for me.'


updown farm children party
Uptown Farm

Katie O'Malley, Site Director

'This Bank Holiday I'm competing in Hyrox London, a mass-participation indoor fitness competition (think Strongest Man but less beefy) which spectators can buy tickets for on the day at the event, followed by a night of Olivia Dean at the Eventim Apollo on Saturday.'

'Come Sunday, I'll be on a cycling training run in the morning, driving to a friend's house in Bristol and staying over night in Wales, with the plan to have a solo day date in Cardiff on bank holiday Monday.'


women running at hyrox

Naomi-May, Acting News Editor

'My Bank Holiday this year is my dream way to spend a bank holiday. It will start with a Shabbat dinner with my boyfriend and his family on Friday, during which I would very much like to drink far too much kosher wine because it's delicious and my favourite.'

'On Saturday, I'm taking myself on a solo date to see Challengers (I'm re-reading Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, and she recommends having weekly cultural dates with yourself to inspire creativity) before I head to The Dover in the evening to celebrate my boyfriend's new job. On Sunday, I'm heading to a vintage flea market to find some more pre-loved bits of furniture for my flat and then heading to Fulham to see some friends, before we hurtle into Monday and I meet my best friend for a long walk and a lazy pub lunch.'


challengers scene zendaya
Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures - Warner Bros.

Holly Gorst, Fashion Editor

'This weekend I’ll be hitting up some London parks and soaking up some extra sunshine, perhaps indulge in some light reading. I’m also going to spend some time delving in a few vintage stores – Nordic Poetry is a favourite and what better way to spend a long weekend than finding some fashion gems.'


a store front with a red bench
Nordic Poetry

Natalie Zannikos, Senior Fashion Co-ordinator

'We're planning a team trip to sunny Southend-on-Sea for fish and chips and slot machines - and most importantly, to see ELLE's Fashion Assistant, Crystalle Cox perform in Legally Blonde with her theatre group, LODS.'


tickets for lods legally blonde
Crystalle Cox

Grace Clarke, Shopping Editor

'I'll be heading to the V&A for the Tropical Modernism exhibition at the V&A, followed by drinks at the Polish club. I'm a through and through North London girl so taking a day out to explore feels like a real treat, especially when there's another day of weekend to enjoy.'


va museum tropical modernism exhibition

Roberta Schroeder, Senior Ecommerce Editor - Luxury

'This Bank Holiday, I'm reluctantly waving goodbye to my early thirties – but instead of poking the crow’s feet developing around my eyes and lamenting the fact it now takes me a week to get over a night out, I’ll be distracting myself with an incredibly indulgent getaway. My husband and I are heading to My Arbor, a South Tyrolean spa currently blowing up on Tiktok (so the kids tell me) for its incredible views of the surrounding forest. Here’s to hoping all the fresh air makes me feel 22 again.'


my arbor spa
My Arbor

Crystalle Cox, Fashion Assistant

'I am seeing my client, Tom Holland, perform in Romeo & Juliet at the Duke of York Theatre this weekend. The reviews have been insane on the press previews, so I'm very excited!'


tom holland romeo and juliet duke of york theatre
Klára Šimonová - Getty Images
self potrait of young sir elton john
Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation

Roberta Schroeder, Senior Ecommerce Editor - Luxury

'My Bank Holiday weekend will start with a bittersweet shopping pilgrimage: at the final Vampire's Wife sample sale, I'll invest with irresponsible enthusiasm in Susie Cave's unparalleled dresses, which my wardrobe (if not my bank balance) will forever miss.'

'Then, I'll be arriving outrageously overdressed to East London's finest establishments: The Castle Cinema in Hackney for a late-night screening of something questionable my husband will book, and Singburi which, if you haven't heard, is the riotous Leytonstone Thai restaurant you'll have to wait six months for a reservation at (sorry - I promise it's worth the wait).'

The Vampire's Wife
Getty Images

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