Elderly owners of popular fish soup stall at 127 Bukit Merah retiring on 1 Oct 2023

Most of you may have come across or made a purchase from an unnamed fish soup stall at 127 Bukit Merah Lane 1, with a simple yellow sign reading ‘Fish Soup • Fried Fish Soup • Seafood Soup • Mixed Pig’s Organ Soup‘.

Prepare yourselves, as I’ve just received news that the elderly couple managing the business will retire soon, serving us their final bowls on 30 Sep 2023— happy for them, sad for us.

127 bukit merah - stall front

The kopitiam stall is popular, particularly among nearby residents and office workers, and queue times during lunch hour can stretch from 30 minutes to over an hour.

127 bukit merah - fish soup with pig intestines

1 standout feature is their mixed pig’s organ soup, where customers are allowed to add pig’s innards to their fish soup— a truly unique combination!

127 bukit merah - rice set

You’ll have the option of sliced fish, fried fish, or a combination of both, with the fried fish being the clear favourite among most customers. Please take note that it sells out quite fast, so it’s advisable to arrive early to avoid disappointment.

To complement your bowls of fish soup, don’t forget to add some yee mian or yam rice on the side for a lip-smacking meal.

127 bukit merah - uncle at work

So what’s going to happen after 30 September? A new stall? Well, for those who happen to see the stall still in operation at 127 Bukit Merah in September, don’t be taken aback. A young couple is said to be taking over the stall using the same signboard.

Will they be able to maintain the same standards as the previous owners? Are the same dishes being served? I suppose a visit would be the best way to find out, or you could simply check if there’s still a remarkably long line forming in front.

On behalf of Sethlui.com, we wish Uncle and Aunty a joyful retirement. We’ll certainly miss their delightful cooking!

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