Ed Speleers Is Ready to Go Supernova

ed speleers
Ed Speleers Is Ready to Go SupernovaDavid Reiss

Spoilers ahead for Picard Season 3, Episode 2, “Disengage.”

The buzz for Star Trek: Picard Season 3 is dripping with ‘90s nostalgia. In the first two episodes alone, Patrick Stewart’s Jean-Luc Picard has reunited with all his former Next Generation crewmates, including Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker, Michael Dorn as Worf, and Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher. But the final season of Picard isn’t only about one last “old-fashioned road trip” with the old gang. The story of this season is very much focused on the next version of The Next Generation, quite literally. Turns out, in between Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) and the start of Picard (2020), Beverly Crusher had Jean-Luc’s son and didn’t tell anyone. Now, in the year 2402, Jack Crusher—played by Ed Speleers—is all grown up and embroiled in an interstellar mystery that will rock the entire galaxy. In Picard Season 3, the big stakes for Patrick Stewart’s character are personal.

In what sometimes feels like an earnest sci-fi version of The Life Aquatic, it turns out the heart and soul of Picard Season 3 is all about Jean-Luc Picard reconnecting with the son he never knew he had. Hardcore Trek people will note that Jack is named after Beverly’s first husband, Jack Crusher (Doug Wert), who in the 1987 backstory of The Next Generation was killed on the USS Stargazer under Picard’s command. Of course, TNG gave us another of Beverly’s children in teenage Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton), a character who became a kind of surrogate son to Jean-Luc on that show.

But the tone of Picard Season 3 is very different from the cozy ‘90s space family vibe of The Next Generation, and the new Jack Crusher is nothing like Wesley Crusher. At first blush, it might seem he’s nothing like his father either. But Riker knows better, telling Jean-Luc in Episode Two, “There’s something familiar about him…” Clearly Riker knows that this young hotshot reminds him more than a little bit of Jean-Luc Picard.

Much of the success of Picard Season 3 hinges on how much the audience embraces Ed Speleers as Jack Crusher. But luckily, the charming and exciting actor is more than up to the challenge. Speleers plays Jack as a complete character, full of secrets, contradictions, heroics, and charm. Esquire sat down with Speleers to figure out how he cracked this character, and what’s next for his bright future.

ESQUIRE: You’re playing the son of Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher. Isn’t that like playing the son of Batman and Catwoman? Is there a ton of pressure?

ED SPELEERS: The concept of pressure is such an interesting word to fight with. I think that yes, you’re inherently joining such a revered juggernaut of a show [the Star Trek franchise], so it’s very hard not to escape the idea of pressure. However, once you get your head around the fact you’re just going to be working with good people and great actors, that’s when the focus switches. For me, that’s what it was all about. Once you get over the initial starstruck stuff, you just have to concentrate on your work.

Was your character’s identity kept a secret when you auditioned?

I mean, they really attempted to dress it up. One of the producers, Dylan Massin, said, “Okay this is set in Dylan’s kitchen and you’re in the role of ‘Henry.’” It was something very vague. But the email also said: “You’re starring opposite Patrick Stewart.” And I was like, well, not many things he’s up to at the moment other than that! Let’s get our detective hats to work that one out!

Very quickly after getting the role, it was made very clear to me who this guy was and what his arc was going to be. I was just blown away and slightly taken aback that someone wanted me to do a role like that. I feel a real honor. I’m just relishing it day by day. And I did at the time, too.

ed speleers
David Reiss

People might associate you with your roles in Downton Abbey or Outlander; these kinds of complicated heroes or anti-heroes. How do you craft an anti-hero?

We’re all a bit complicated, in all honesty. I think the best parts we see on TV or film and in art in general, are depicting that. I’m very grateful to [showrunner] Terry Matalas for putting this role together. He wanted this guy to be incredibly complicated, and that gave me a chance to maybe look at myself in a way I hadn’t before. I was able to dig deeper in a way I never had. This is a multifaceted guy who is trying to work out his place in the world, in his universe, but he’s battling with very real things. Dynamics. Family Dynamics. Things I’ve experienced, things you’ve experienced. We all go through these things in some way.

Everything else is great. The score, the production design, and how we move and talk. Charging around with phasers is great. But, for me, it all boils down to understanding these relationships, how someone ticks and operates, and what this guy wants. I needed to work out what he wanted and how he views the world. Once you’ve worked out how a [character] views the world, you’re afforded the time and license to operate from that. I suppose it's like a tennis player, almost like a baseline. I know what this guy wants. Let’s bounce around from here.

Jack Crusher in Picard is not a father. But in real life, you are a dad. Did you relate to both sides of the conflict between Jean-Luc and Jack?

Yeah, I suppose so. I suppose you do. It's quite an interesting thing about being an actor, and I suppose that's why so many actors tend to grow more as a human, because you experience more. By being a father, I definitely was questioning this dynamic. As a father, with my own two children, I’m not necessarily questioning if I’m doing it right, you know? Because who knows the answer to that? But I do think: am I leading them in a way that is going to help them later on? Hopefully they don’t resent me later in life. So, I suppose I wonder if I’m giving them a chance to grow properly, and to feel they can be honest with me, and to feel that they can safely express themselves in front of me.

So whilst still riding that line between my own frustrations with Picard, it does offer the opposite element. That’s why I felt that this part was so important to me and this experience means so much to me. It’s because of the family element. My family were very close with me when I was making this show. The themes that were going through the show quite often had me on emotional tenterhooks on a daily basis because of the family dynamics we were talking about. But honestly, I think it’s just taken me speaking with you to unearth that.

Did you do a ton of research for this? I mean, your character is named after a character from The Next Generation!

I think it would have been churlish for me to have not explored The Next Generation thoroughly. Terry Matalas, who created this season and knew it inside out, he made it very clear what he was going to do to help. He gave me this long list—he called it “Star Trek University”—and there was this extensive list of TNG episodes that he wanted me to explore, as well as films all the way back to The Wrath of Khan and all the way through First Contact. That gave me a whole wealth and depth of knowledge that I could work on. In preparation, before shooting, I would spend three or four hours a day working on the text, working on the character. And then I’d finish that day by watching one of these films or watching a couple of episodes. That allowed things to just wash over me and absorb this world. I didn’t necessarily go into the semantics of exactly how the TNG characters were moving and thinking and talking, because I feel that Jack’s his own man. He wasn’t brought up by Picard. I feel like he had his own entity to hold onto. But I certainly did a lot, a lot of watching.

Have you talked to Wil Wheaton? You guys are like stepbrothers now.

We’re beyond stepbrothers! We’re half-brothers! But yeah, I’ve done an interview with him in The Ready Room [the Star Trek aftershow] . We had a very emotional chat about it. We even talked that maybe there’ll be a chance in the future for us, for the Crusher brothers to be on screen together.

That seems like it could be a sitcom. Wesley Crusher and Jack Crusher.

Like Two and Half Men? Yeah. I’m up for it.

ed speleers of the paramount original series star trek picard photo cr james dimmockparamount © 2022 cbs studios inc all rights reserved
Ed Speleers as Jack Crusher.James Dimmock

But in all seriousness, what about a spinoff? Seems like Jack Crusher could keep going, maybe with Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan)?

I wholeheartedly agree. I fly the Star Trek flag for a spinoff. I’m there. I’m a hundred percent there. If I get the chance to do this for 10,15, or 20 years and Paramount wants to do it, then I would love to and I would give it my all. I think it would work very well with Jeri. I think the dynamic between Seven and Jack is quite fascinating and invigorating, and it still allows the scope to have so many other [characters] come back and create new worlds. I would definitely do it.

You’re a busy guy right now. You Season 4 is on Netflix, and now you’ve got Picard coming out. What’s next? You’re young. You’re British. What about James Bond? Would you ever do it?

I think every British actor under the age of 60 would probably like to put their hat in the ring for that one. I would absolutely love it. I think I’m probably down the pecking order at the moment. There seem to be a few big names thrown around. I mean, of course, I grew up adoring Bond, and it’s something my dad and I shared a huge passion for. But let’s put that out there! Star Trek spinoff and Bond. Yes, I’d do James Bond, and yes, I want to do a Star Trek spinoff.

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