You Don't Need An Ace Up Your Sleeve To Master The Spiritual Practice Of Cartomancy

cartomancy ace playing card
All You Need Is A Deck Of Cards To Tell The Futurejayk7 - Getty Images

If you’ve dabbled in reading tarot cards or oracle decks, you likely know the power of this spiritual practice. Using your intuition, and these centuries-old cards, to answer your questions and learn more about yourself, can be an incredible tool for personal development.

But did you know you could do it with that deck of playing cards you used to play Go Fish as a kid? This practice is called cartomancy and has been around almost as long as playing cards have been, so it’s quite reliable, experts say. Similar to tarot cards, each playing card is assigned a meaning that can give you information about your life, like who's been gossiping behind your back or whether you can expect an influx of cash in the future. Basically, it's Tarot's little (slightly pettier) sister.

If you’re intrigued, here's everything you need to know about cartomancy, from what each playing card means to how to DIY a reading.

What is cartomancy?

This ain’t Texas, and you don’t need to hold ‘em. Unlike in a game of poker, you don't need an Ace up your sleeve to master cartomancy. Put simply, it's the practice of using traditional playing cards to foretell the future, says Inbaal Honigman, a London-based psychic and tarot reader for Tarotoo.

Each card in the deck of 52 is assigned a meaning, and each suit is representative of a larger theme (we’ll get back to this!). And it’s a historically unfussy practice, say Honigman. While people who read tarot often recommend keeping a crystal nearby your decks, or storing them in velvet bags, you can keep your deck of playing cards wherever, even the bottom of your purse.

This practice has been around for a long time, too. While playing cards emerged in the 1300s, the practice of using playing cards to fortune tell was first recorded in Italy in the 1500s, according to historian Ross Caldwell in his paper, "A Brief History of Cartomancy."

How is cartomancy different from tarot?

While the end goal of cartomancy and a tarot reading may be the same—to gain clarity and try to predict future situations—the practices differ, mainly because of the number and meaning of the cards in a tarot deck versus a deck of playing cards, says Anastacia Anastacio, a tarot reader and spiritual coach based in Los Angeles.

A tarot deck contains 78 cards divided into the Major Aracana, which represents major life lessons and shifts, and the Minor Arcana, which has four suits—Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. Generally speaking, the Minor Arcana deals with more day-to-day issues, explains Anastacio. Because cartomancy uses a regular deck of cards, however, it operates based on 52 cards, made up of the four classic suits—Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds—with nine numbered cards, three face cards, and one Ace card per suit.

And since cartomancy doesn’t have the Major Arcana cards, like the Death card, Devil card, or other cards that signify major shifts in one's life, it is generally a lighter practice, says Honigman. “Cartomancy deals with the nitty-gritty of our lives,” she explains. “We might learn we should call our mother more often or drink more water or that Sarah really did give you a side eye, and you weren’t making it up in your head.”

While these more mundane topics can also come through in a tarot reading, they are often eclipsed by the big moments revealed in many readings, Honigman says. Think of it like this: If you want to know how this week might go at work, you may lean toward cartomancy for an answer, whereas if you're wondering if you should make a career pivot, you may want to reach for tarot.

How do I read the cards?

Similar to tarot, each playing card has a different interpretation. If you’re interested in trying cartomancy yourself, you can start with a three-card spread, recommend both Anastacio and Honigman. This involves “drawing three cards to represent the past, present, and future aspects of a situation or question,” Anastacio explains.

You may ask your deck if you need to know anything about your work week, for example, and then draw three cards representing the past, present, or future. Let your intuition guide you as you ponder what each card could represent in your life.

When starting out, Honigman recommends writing the definitions on the card itself so you can more easily interpret your card pulls.

What does each card mean in cartomancy?

When reading playing cards, the suits will determine the themes of your reading.

Spades represent thoughts and worries.

Clubs show action and passion.

Hearts represent emotions and relationships.

Diamonds focus on money and jobs.


spades playing cards
Playing cards in the Spades suit.jayk7 - Getty Images
  • Ace of Spades: Worries, bad news, someone is plotting against you

  • 2 of Spades: Lying, deceit, sudden change

  • 3 of Spades: Infidelity, trouble in a relationship

  • 4 of Spades: Illness, staying at home

  • 5 of Spades: Overcoming emotional stress

  • 6 of Spades: Mental support from family and friends

  • 7 of Spades: Loneliness

  • 8 of Spades: Business idea

  • 9 of Spades: Overthinking

  • 10 of Spades: Prison, hospital, legal trouble

  • Jack of Spades: A dark-haired young person

  • Queen of Spades: A dark-haired woman

  • King of Spades: A dark-haired man


clubs playing cards
Playing cards in the Clubs suit.jayk7 - Getty Images
  • Ace of Clubs: Union, marriage, financial boost

  • 2 of Clubs: Difficulty with friends, gossip, chatter

  • 3 of Clubs: An overseas trip

  • 4 of Clubs: Betrayal

  • 5 of Clubs: Improved fitness

  • 6 of Clubs: Working out with friends

  • 7 of Clubs: Catching up with old friends

  • 8 of Clubs: New business premises

  • 9 of Clubs: Lucky new home

  • 10 of Clubs: Money coming into your life

  • Jack of Clubs: An immature brown-haired person

  • Queen of Clubs: A brown-haired woman

  • King of Clubs: A brown-haired man


heart playing cards
Playing cards in the Hearts suit.jayk7 - Getty Images
  • Ace of Hearts: The biggest, most romantic love

  • 2 of Hearts: Good luck in your love life

  • 3 of Hearts: Slow down in your relationships, pay attention to people’s intentions

  • 4 of Hearts: Good news, a business trip, lucky road ahead

  • 5 of Hearts: Negotiations

  • 6 of Hearts: Someone’s excited to meet you

  • 7 of Hearts: An upcoming meeting

  • 8 of Hearts: A conversation

  • 9 of Hearts: Love, marriage, engagement

  • 10 of Hearts: Good luck is coming your way

  • Jack of Hearts: Young blond person

  • Queen of Hearts: A blond-haired woman

  • King of Hearts: A blond-haired mature man


diamond playing cards
Playing cards in the Diamond suit.Peter Dazeley - Getty Images
  • Ace of Diamonds: Good news, general success

  • 2 of Diamonds: An affair or objectionable relationship

  • 3 of Diamonds: Luck in 3 – 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months

  • 4 of Diamonds: Unexpected money

  • 5 of Diamonds: New contract

  • 6 of Diamonds: Someone recommended you for a promotion

  • 7 of Diamonds: A work meeting

  • 8 of Diamonds: A chat with your boss is on the horizon

  • 9 of Diamonds: A new business

  • 10 of Diamonds: A new opportunity and money is coming

  • Jack of Diamonds: A fair-haired younger person

  • Queen of Diamonds: A fair-haired lady

  • King of Diamonds: A fair-haired mature man

When is the best time to practice cartomancy?

There is no wrong time to practice cartomancy, according to our experts, though there are times when the reading may be more effective. Doing a reading during a full moon or a new moon can help draw in positive energy and enhance your intuition, says Anastacio.

“Conducting readings when the mind is more receptive to intuitive insights is ideal,” she adds. “This is typically very early mornings or late at night.” This is because your brain waves are low at this time, so you are more susceptible to receiving information.

Is cartomancy accurate?

Yes, according to the experts. “I find it insanely accurate and unadorned,” says Honigman. “It’ll give you very specific, easy-to-interpret information like your dad is about to call, and then the phone rings.”

Anastacio agreed, encouraging people to let their intuition guide them during this and other spiritual practices. She added: “Of course, an outcome that you discover in these readings can shift, as we have free will.”

Can cartomancy predict the future?

When paired with strong intuition, this practice is believed to help people see into their future, the experts say. “These cards are fantastic tools to get a pulse on the unknown,” says Anastacio. “Cartomancy allows you to explore your blockages and determine the likelihood of situations and experiences.”

So next time you find yourself in a pickle—whether it be puzzling over where you should go for dinner, or wondering if your boyfriend is cheating—reach for your nearest deck of playing cards. You never know what they may reveal!

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