Disney+’s ‘The Santa Clauses’ Series Is Keeping the Entire Tim Allen Franchise in Demand | Charts

When it comes to Christmas titles for streaming platforms, the biggest name this year is Disney+’s original show “The Santa Clauses.” Released on Nov. 16, it’s part of the “The Santa Clause” franchise, which also includes three movies released between 1994 and 2006 starring Tim Allen. The Disney+ series serves as a sequel to the last movie, “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause,” and has been very successful so far in the U.S.

The average demand for “The Santa Clauses,” which was recently renewed by Disney+, since its release is 16.23 times the demand for the average show, a number that less than 2.7% of the movies released in that market reach, according to Parrot Analytics‘ data, which takes into account consumer research, streaming, downloads and social media, among other engagement.

10 most in-demand Disney+ original series, Nov. 1-Dec. 12, 2022, U.S. (Parrot Analytics)
10 most in-demand Disney+ original series, Nov. 1-Dec. 12, 2022, U.S. (Parrot Analytics)

If we take a look at the demand for Disney+ originals in November and December (until Dec. 12th), “The Santa Clauses” managed to carve out a place in the top 10 most in-demand Disney+ originals, as the eighth most in-demand show. That show is also the only one in the ranking that isn’t part of either the Marvel or the “Star Wars” franchise, an impressive mark considering the number of highly in-demand IP-based shows that come from Disney+.

Demand for the “Santa Clause” franchise, Nov. 1-Dec. 12, 2022 (Parrot Analytics)
Demand for the “Santa Clause” franchise, Nov. 1-Dec. 12, 2022 (Parrot Analytics)

Often one of the main goals of a company when it releases a sequel is to reignite demand for older elements of the franchise. With “The Santa Clauses” it seems that Disney has been succeeding when it comes to this goal. The demand for the three movies of the franchise began to rise a few days before the series’ premiere and experienced additional spikes after each newly released episode. If we compare the average demand one week prior to “The Santa Clauses” premiere with the average demand between Dec. 6 and Dec. 12, we see that the demand for “The Santa Clause 2” grew 285.5%, 165.4% for “The Santa Clause” and 114.7% for “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause,” the last movie and the least in-demand of the franchise in the last week.

Average demand for the “Santa Clause” movies, Nov 1-Dec. 12, 2022, U.S. (Parrot Analytics)
Average demand for the “Santa Clause” movies, Nov 1-Dec. 12, 2022, U.S. (Parrot Analytics)

It’s expected that Christmas-related titles will experience a surge in demand the closer the holidays get. The chart above shows that growth in demand for movies from the “Santa Clause” franchise has been higher in 2022 than in the same period in previous years, especially around episode release dates (with the exception of the episodes released on Nov. 30), indicating that the Disney+ show has been contributing to the movies from this franchise reaching levels higher levels of demand. Shortly after the release of Chapter 5 of the show on Dec. 7, the average demand for the three movies from the franchise reached 11.7 times the demand for the average movie, a number not reached in the last several years.

Daniel Quinaud is a senior data analyst at Parrot Analytics, a WrapPRO partner. For more from Parrot Analytics, visit the Data and Analysis Hub.

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