I didn't expect to hear Naruto's most emo ninja during the Marvel's Spider-Man 2 trailer, but I'm here for it

 Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 gameplay screenshot
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 gameplay screenshot

The Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 segment at PlayStation Showcase has excited fans for plenty of reasons, but one of the more unexpected ones is just how much Peter Parker’s voice actor Yuri Lowenthal borrows from his portrayal of Naruto’s Sasuke Uchiha.

This time around, Peter Parker has the Symbiote Suit, taking the web-slinger to greater heights of strength at the expense of his mental well-being. You can tell how well Parker is doing in suppressing the Symbiote’s influence through the tone of his voice, which turns uncharacteristically cruel and angry as the organism claws for more control.

As it turns out, though, Parker sounds a fair bit like Sasuke when he isn’t in the best of moods. There’s a good reason for that, as Peter Parker’s voice actor Yuri Lowenthal also voices the brooding ninja, a role he’s held since 2002.

The similarity is likely a coincidence, but it hasn’t stopped many fans from getting nostalgic.

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Aside from the introduction of Kraven the Hunter, there's plenty more to be excited by in the Marvel's Spider-Man 2 showcase. It's been confirmed that we're going beyond Manhattan to explore new areas like Queens. That's also excited fans as not only is it where Peter was born, but it's a location we've not had access to since Spider-Man Ultimate was released nearly 18 years ago.

We've also seen many fan theories spin up, as plenty reckon Venom's host won't be Eddie Brock. That's not too much of a shocker – wahey – if you read the comics, though the former Daily Bugle employee is the more popular choice in broader pop culture.

We didn't get that elusive Spider-Man 2 release date, though the reveal is coming "soon".

Spider-Man 2's spectacle looks amazing, but I want to see more of its GTA 5-style character switching.