David Crosby Dragged for Being an ‘Unkind Schmuck’ Over Response to Fan Art: ‘How to Be A D– in One Easy Lesson’

David Crosby, one of the founding members of Crosby, Still & Nash, had no love for a picture of himself painted by a fan over the weekend — and openly said so. Now, after shaming the fan art, Crosby himself is getting shamed ruthlessly.

On Saturday, a fan tweeted at the singer expressing well wishes, and thanking Crosby for his music. Attached was a painting the fan had created of Crosby’s profile. In response, Crosby tweeted back “That is the weirdest painting of me. I have ever seen …..don’t quit your day job ……”

You can see the exchange below.

What followed was swift backlash, with people rallying around the fan and torching Crosby for being so harsh.

“This is the weirdest reaction to a fan trying to do something nice I have ever seen,” one person tweeted. “…don’t quit your day job, David Crosby… but maybe stop being an unkind schmuck on Twitter.”

Meanwhile, “Our Flag Means Death” actor Damien Gerard scorned Crosby’s “sh–ty attitude” and encouraged fans to not “let a decrepit voice like his stop you from sharing your authentic selves.”

TV’s Wonder Woman even got in on the shaming, with Lynda Carter writing “Life is too short to be mean to strangers online. Go outside and look at some trees.”

When a fan suggested that Crosby instead watch some “Wonder Woman” re-runs — or “anything that makes you happy that involves neither hate nor fandom gatekeeping” — Carter added that the suggestion was “also a good option.”

Some offered up alternatives to the painting for Crosby, if he was truly unhappy with the first one. Of course, those options were far meaner, with one fan posting a photo of Octavia Spencer’s character from “The Help,” with the feces-filled pie she used for revenge.

You can check out more responses to Crosby’s cruelty below.