Date-me-docs are a new way to match and we don’t hate it

sometimes being creative is needed
Would you try a dating CV?Delmaine Donson - Getty Images

If you’re bored of dating apps, terrified of matching with an AI and frustrated by an inevitable sea of profiles listing Sunday roasts and dog walks as valid interests, a different approach might just appeal to you. Enter your dating CV…

Hear us out on this one, because it’s not as bad as it sounds. The idea is that you share a Google doc or if you’re techy or a tad more creative, maybe a Notion page or fancy PDF with a potential match, listing your personal info, what you’re looking for and anything else you think they might want to know.

That’s what singles in the US have been doing, with relative success it seems - there are now databases filled with docs from singles all over the states. And now, the dating trend has hit the UK, with those looking for romance deleting their apps in favour of date-me-docs.

bringing the digital world to my fingertips
Delmaine Donson - Getty Images

The concept of a date-me-doc isn’t exactly novel. Personal ads have been a tried and tested method for meeting someone for hundreds of years. And apps like Lex and sites like Reddit still provide a space for lonely hearts-style posts.

And TikTok users have gone one step further, with dating application forms - multiple choice surveys that give others the chance to shoot their shot. It's a simple concept, yet offers far more detail than your standard dating app profile.

While the concept of crafting a dating CV might seem a little cringe to some, for others, it’s a no-brainer. Because let’s face it, how much can you really tell about someone if their profile (and everyone else’s) tells you they know a great spot for negronis and they’ll fall for you “if you trip them up”. Our kingdom for some personal details!

A dating doc can help to present a version of you that might not be as obvious on dating apps. You can list the specifics of what you’re looking for, your interests and why you think you’d make a great partner. Then, just share the link.

"I've set people up based on date me docs" said one Reddit user. "If someone I'm friends with posts a date me doc and says what they're looking for, then sometimes I actually know someone who I think they would like".

And people are expecting their matches to have a CV too. "We are going to start requiring all men to hold a dating license. They have to have a dating resume as well." said one TikTok user. Her video details all the info she needs to see before dating someone, including status of dependence, criminal record, character references and she says, "we need to know that you're safe around women".

We sort of love a return to more old school forms of introduction and courtship and obvs, the opportunity to show our creative flair appeals too. But such an efficient approach taking the fun out of dating? Would you use a date-me-doc to impress a potential match and weed out unworthy suitors? Don’t be surprised if someone shares a link with you, dating resumes are on the rise.

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