Dame Judi Dench shares fun stories from working with Clint Eastwood and Leonardo DiCaprio

dame judi dench clint eastwood
Dame Judi Dench on Clint Eastwood Mike Marsland - Getty Images

Dame Judi Dench opened up about working with two silver screen legends during a royal literary festival on Sunday (11 June).

On stage at the Queen's Reading Room Festival at Hampton Court Palace, Dame Judi was in conversation with Gyles Brandreth. During the talk, she discussed what it had been like working with Clint Eastwood and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Dame Judi said that when she first received a call from Clint about doing a film together, she thought one of her friesnds was impersonating the star's iconic voice as a joke.

judi dench clint eastwood
Clint Eastwood at the 2005 Academy Awards.Carlo Allegri - Getty Images

Discussing his style of working on set, Dame Judi said that instead of shouting 'action!', Clint Eastwood would growl, "In your own time..." and then say, "Stop." instead of 'cut!'

"And then you'd say, right, and get ready to do it again. No, no, no, you didn't do it again, you only got one go at it," Dame Judi told the audience.

Discussing another scene Clint directed, Dame Judi said, "Leo DiCaprio and I did a scene where I was in bed with some papers and things in front of me, no dialogue or anything...so he's sat here and we were talking and everything, talking about everyday things. Then I said, 'Are we going to do this scene?' and Leo said, 'He's done it!. That was it, he'd done it, while we were sitting there.'"

dame judi dench clint eastwood
The Queen meets Dame Judi Dench at Hampton Court Palace during the Queen Reading Room Festival.WPA Pool - Getty Images

"[Clint Eastwood] doesn't mess about," she added. "You start at nine and you finish at four thirty. It's heaven!"

Dame Judi was also joined on stage by Ben Elton and Sir David Jacobi, and both she and Sir David treated the audience, which included The Queen, to renditions of Shakespeare. Dame Judi and Gyles Brandreth also performed the poem, The Owl and the Pussycat together for the open-air crowd.

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