The Crown's Dominic West Puts Charles in Charge

“My God, you really look like him,” Lesley Manville told Dominic West on the set of the fifth season of The Crown, “from the back.”

Manville dons the troubled tiara of Princess Margaret in the new season, premiering November 9 on Netflix, while West plays Prince Charles. The pair were filming their first scene together, recreating the famed Ghillies Ball in full Scottish dress, with West clad in a kilt—but what struck Manville most was his hair. “The way that rather low parting goes down the back, and then it splays out,” she says. Her complimentary remark about the rearview resemblance, Manville concedes, “was probably not the right thing to say, because he said, ‘What about the front?’”

West needn’t have worried. The considerable condemnation ahead of the fifth season of The Crown has come from a royal biographer (Sally Bedell Smith said the “level of abuse is now beyond the pale”), a former prime minister (a spokesman for Sir John Major called it “malicious fiction”), and an Oscar-winning actress (Dame Judi Dench wrote that the series is “cruelly unjust”). But fans of the hit Netflix series, which cranks up the drama on its chronicling of the House of Windsor, have more pressing questions. For example: Is Dominic West too handsome to play Prince Charles?

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In seasons five and six of The Crown, Dominic West (above right) will portray Prince Charles, the heir to the throne.Getty Images/Netflix

As The Crown enters the most recent—and best remembered—stretch in the royals’ history, the physical comparisons between the actors and the real-life players keeps getting tougher. The 53-year-old West has big main character energy, thanks to his star turns as Jimmy McNulty in The Wire and Noah Solloway in The Affair. He doesn’t meld into the world of the monarchy quite as easily as his lesser-known predecessors have. West fretted over the disconnect his first time on set, thinking, “Oh my god, I’m nothing like this guy.” His screen test opposite Elizabeth Debicki, who has been widely celebrated as a near match for Diana, “felt awful,” West recalls. His inner monologue spiraled from “I don’t know what I’m doing” to “They’ve horribly miscast me.”

But if four blockbuster seasons, featuring an entirely new troop of actors every other time, have shown anything, it’s that The Crown casting department does not miss. The series has a knack for picking actors—Claire Foy as the young Queen Elizabeth II, for example, or Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret—who resemble their counterparts to varying degrees but, more importantly, embody them in spirit. There is often a palpable attachment to—one might even say an affection for—the person they are representing.

West thinks so highly of Charles (now King Charles III) that it almost kept him from taking the part. When I ask West why he wanted the role, he says bluntly, “I didn’t,” saying he was “very apprehensive.” He has met the new monarch half a dozen or so times through his ongoing role as an ambassador for the Prince’s Trust, the charitable organization Charles started in 1976. West believes sincerely in its mission of helping disadvantaged youth. In one group photo from a red carpet in 2014, West appears just over Charles’s right shoulder, grinning from ear to ear.

the prince of wales attends the princes trust and samsung celebrate success awards
Dominic West alongside Prince Charles at a PrinceDavid M. Benett - Getty Images

“I’m a big fan of Prince Charles, as he was,” West says. “I didn’t want to be doing anything to upset his mission.” Ultimately, the allure of The Crown and its blockbuster status in a competitive streaming landscape was too strong to pass up. “That’s what you live for as an actor,” he says, “great parts with great writing and on a great show.” (West’s offer to quit his position with the Prince’s Trust in light of his association with The Crown “was turned down,” according to Variety.)

Upon closer inspection, West found some similarities between himself and the man destined for the throne. “I have quite short legs and quite a big head and I’ve got a bit of a stoop, like him,” West says. The Crown’s team of experts helped him get further into character, with a voice coach telling him, “You mustn’t open your mouth, talk through clenched teeth the whole time.” West studied Charles’s body language, too, making note of how he tends to keep himself rather contained, elbows by his side. Throw in some pointing and fidgeting—“He’s got these big sausage fingers, and he’s always fiddling with them,” West says—and a few meticulously tailored double-breasted suits, and you’ve got yourself a future king.

Manville’s verdict to West: “It’s nailed everywhere, but if I hadn’t seen your front, I would have known who you were from the back. It’s just brilliant.”

West takes over the role this season from Josh O’Connor, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of a bruised young prince spiraling as the fairy tale falls apart. In O’Connor's final episode, a fed-up Olivia Colman as the queen faces her slouching, whimpering son, who once again comes to her begging for a divorce. Not only does she decline, but she spits out a threat: “If one day you expect to be king, then might I suggest you start to behave like one.”

Charles does as he has been told over the course of the season’s 10 episodes, asserting himself as the visionary of the modern monarchy. West’s version of the prince is more confident and scheming, his relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles (played by Olivia Williams) out of the shadows as he lays the groundwork for his own reign. But time and time again he confronts the harsh reality that, while he’s heir, none of it matters—not yet, at least. He is still beholden to his (very much alive) mother. “This is a man, in the prime of his life, who cannot and has not been able to fulfill his destiny,” West says. “This is a man who, in his late forties, still has to obey his mother, not just as his mother but as his sovereign, queen, his boss.”

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Dominic West and Olivia Williams play Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles in season five of The Crown.courtesy of netflix

If Charles is more driven this season, the aging queen, played by Imelda Staunton, is increasingly old-fashioned. The world around Elizabeth II is crumbling, with her beloved husband emotionally intertwined with a younger woman, three of her four children’s marriages dissolving, and a devastating fire at Windsor Castle. The queen digs her heels in on what she can control most: her eldest son.

We know now that the queen’s insistence that the Prince and Princess of Wales stay married only made things worse for them—and all the better for The Crown. Unlike in season four, when the hopes for rekindled romance lingered, the relationship is dead on arrival here. Neither Charles nor Diana felt heard by the monarch, so they sought validation elsewhere, spilling their salacious sides of the story in very public ways. Season five leans heavily on their accounts, beginning with a blow-by-blow of the secret recordings Diana made for Andrew Morton’s book, Diana: Her True Story, Charles’s confession of infidelity in Jonathan Dimbleby’s documentary, and Diana’s bombshell Panorama special on the BBC. While the depictions of the disclosures are close to what was actually said, The Crown has to imagine how the affected parties reacted. Diana is seen with her head in her hands, mascara-stained tears streaming down her cheeks. Charles explodes, screaming, “What the hell is she doing?”

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Imelda Staunton, center, plays Queen Elizabeth in the new season of The Crown, premiering November 9 on Netflix.courtesy of netflix

In the war of the Waleses, West comes out clearly on Team Charles. “The trouble was Diana was such a superstar,” he tells me over Zoom. “She’s got such star quality that he doesn’t have. None of the royals does, and good, thank God, because their job is quite boring.” West starts laughing, but his reflection continues to a more contemporary place. “We’re finding it now with our prime ministers, and you with your presidents: It’s exhausting having a high-octane leader who’s very media savvy,” he says. “We long for the rather boring, sensible ones who are functionaries who get on with the job.”

West, whose own private life has become occasional tabloid fodder in recent years, captures onscreen Charles’s simmering rage at Diana’s spotlight-stealing prowess. “There can only be one star in the relationship,” West says. Our conversation has moved on to Camilla, and what the new queen consort brings to her husband. “I think she’s happy to be—what’s the word?—in the background, reflecting, just trying to make him look good,” he says. “There’s a generosity and a humility about that, which I think is what we wanted to put across.”

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Dominic West and Elizabeth Debicki as Prince Charles and Princess Diana in season five of The Crown.Photo Credit: Keith Bernstein

It’s early evening in England as we chat, and the sun sets during our conversation, the light shifting from a golden glow to a hazier, dimmer cast. West’s computer is angled in such a way that he is peering down into the camera; behind him I see the exposed beams of the ceiling and only the collar of the weathered gray T-shirt he is wearing. As his defense of Charles builds, West leans in, and his tousled hair fills the top third of the screen and his prominent brow furrows. He acknowledges that the prince has lived a life of immense privilege, but he lingers on what he calls “relentless” criticism. In preparing for the role, West made note of the tone in which Charles has often been written about. “There’s a certain sort of sneering dismissal of him as a crank,” West says, “of someone who’s getting involved when he shouldn’t.”

As West sees it, much of the criticism stems from the ways in which Charles is not the same as his mother. The queen was perceived as tough; her son is seen as much more vulnerable. Elizabeth was a mystery; Charles is TMI personified. This season covers the peak period when doubt, fueled by Diana, swirled around Charles’s ability—desire, even—to take on the throne. “He’s proved them wrong,” West says of the new monarch, praising his work on the environment and focus on disadvantaged youth.

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Dominic West had a unique way to tune into playing Prince Charles: the actorPhoto Credit: Keith Bernstein

What’s more, the ways in which he is different from his history-making mother are assets, in West’s estimation. “I love that since he became king, in contrast to his mother, he is totally heart-on-his-sleeve,” West says. “I mean, that thing he did about Liz Truss?” The actor slips back into his pitch-perfect Charles to mutter the king’s remark to the short-lived prime minister: “Back again, Dear, oh dear.” Then he adds, through clenched teeth for good measure, a “Bloody pen! Fucking pen!” roaring over the leaky pen incident. “The queen of 70 years was never that emotive, and he’s doing it every day,” West marvels. “I think people love it.”

(West first heard the queen was sick as he was arriving at a hotel in Barcelona to start shooting the final season. Production paused after her death, which meant West could hole up in his hotel room and watch the wall-to-wall television coverage from around the world. “It was poignant and, in some ways, sad,” West says. “But in most ways, I think it was such an amazing life and such an amazing death, really, that it didn’t feel very sad.”)

On set, West has grown quite attached to one accessory in Charles’s wardrobe: his signature gold signet ring, which he wears on his pinky. “That’s the last thing I put on, and that’s when I feel I’m him, I’m ready to go,” he says. So imagine the actor’s dismay when he lost it during the first week of filming. The ensemble cast was out in full force to film a beach scene on Majorca (which stands in for Italy this season), complete with a volleyball game on the sand and jet skis circling in the water. “There was a lot going on,” he recalls with a chuckle. “Halfway through the take, you didn’t want to go, ‘Cut, cut, cut, I’m not ready!’” While he was throwing a ball, the ring flew off his finger. He channeled the Windsors’ “Carry on” mantra and kept going. “I sort of tried to hide it by scrambling around in the sea,” he said, until the boys started playing volleyball and he saw it disappear into the sand. Despite his best efforts to find it later, it was gone. (If you happen to find a gold-plated ring on a beach in Majorca, give West a call.)

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West and Olivia Williams, who plays Camilla Parker Bowles, in The Crown.Photo Credit: Keith Bernstein

The glimpses of set life West share suggest a rollicking vibe. A pre-take “Hello, Mummy” from him to the queen was returned with a “Piss off, Charles!” from Staunton. “There would be quite a lot of mucking about like that,” West recalls. “It’s very easy to make each other laugh.” Olivia Williams, who plays Camilla in the final two seasons, had glowing reviews for working with West. “He is someone who will play instantly,” she says. “You chuck a ball in the air, and he’ll catch it and throw it back.”

For West, portions of making the family drama were, in fact, a family affair. His teenage son, Senan, plays Prince William in later episodes, stepping into the role after a casting agent told West that they were struggling to find a blond, blue-eyed 13-year-old boy. Senan checked all the boxes—with just one caveat. He had never acted, not even in a school play. “Do you know how lucky you are? Bloody lucky!” West told his rookie son as he headed into his first scene, having tea opposite Staunton. “This woman’s amazing. Listen and enjoy and learn.”

On set, there was an elaborate buffet laid out, including chocolate eclairs, scones, and jam tarts. “William is supposed to be stuffing his face, and so Senan was—he was going like this,” West says, miming a binge with puffed-out cheeks. The attentive father rushed over after the first take and told his son, “Calm down, calm down! You’ve got to do it 20 times!” By the end of the day the teenager had learned the art of pretending to eat.

Having his real-life son play his fictional offspring made West’s job a bit easier. “What was great,” he says, was the “shortcut to a sort of tactile intimacy that you have with your kids that no one else has.” Senan auditioned to continue the role into season six, when William and Charles begin to clash. “I felt a bit uncomfortable,” West says, and thought “Thank god” when his son did not get the part.

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Photo Credit: Keith Bernstein

Fatherhood was one of the aspects of Charles that West felt most strongly about, lobbying series mastermind Peter Morgan for a more involved portrayal. “I was concerned about his relationship with his sons,” West says. “From what I’d heard, and from any research I was able to do, that was one area I felt he’d been misrepresented. And Peter changed it.”

Morgan’s responsiveness is why West believes the preemptive criticism of this season is misplaced. “Everyone takes the responsibility very seriously and very respectfully,” he says. “There is very much a feeling, which Peter said repeatedly, that everyone gets a fair hearing.” Stories are told from at least two sides; you can feel the script searching for the truth somewhere in the middle.

The reason some viewers might mistake dramatization for fact, West admits, is that The Crown is seen as “more realistic” than other portrayals—and for good reason. A tremendous amount of time and money is spent on recreating this world, with choices on scripts, costumes, and sets informed by an “enormous, exhaustive research department,” as West describes it. Creative license is taken most in the private conversations, which are almost entirely imagined. In those instances, when there is no way to possibly know what was said behind closed doors, West says he looks for the “emotional truth.” (No spoilers here, but watch for the full range of emotions West displays in the fictionalized conversation between Diana and Charles after their divorce is finalized. The scene seems to capture both what could have been between the two—and why it was never possible.)

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West and Debicki as the Walses—roles that were previously played by Josh Ocourtesy of netflix

If critics would take a big step back—and perhaps a deep breath, too—West offers the most compelling argument for the series to date. “Who wears the crown has been a legitimate subject for dramatization since well before Shakespeare,” he says. The monarch is not a private individual but a very public head of state. “Inquiry and scrutiny” of the sovereign and the powerful institution around the throne is entirely fair game, as he sees it. “It makes anything stronger to be tested,” he continues. “We’re bowing to these people—who are they? What are they doing? Do they deserve our reverence?”

He ends his impassioned defense with a healthy dose of perspective. “Frankly, the monarchy's been through wars,” West says with a hint of a grin. “If we can’t get through a TV show, then it’s not on very firm foundations.”

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