Corden Jokes Trump Arrest Is Being Stretched Out Like ‘American Idol’ Finale: ‘Wasn’t This Supposed to Happen Yesterday?’ (Video)

“Late Late Show” host James Corden thinks it’s taking way too long to find out whether or not former president Donald Trump is going to be indicted for making a hush money payment to Stormy Daniels.

“Wasn’t this meant to happen yesterday?,” Corden joked on Wednesday’s episode, referencing the former president’s own prediction of a Tuesday arrest. “They’re stretching this out like its the finale of ‘American Idol.'”

The host then put on his best Ryan Seacrest impression to announce the live finale results: “It’s time to find out whether or not Trump is getting arrested. Trump is … gonna find out after this break! Don’t go anywhere.”

According to CNN, an advisor said that Trump has “resigned himself to the possibility” of being indicted. Meanwhile, the New York Times reported that Trump has told his inner circle that he wants to be handcuffed and do a perp walk.

“Trump believes that since he would need to surrender himself to authorities anyway he might as well turn it into a spectacle,” Corden said. “I mean, I get it. Why not? Do you know what I mean? He already moves his hands like he’s wearing handcuffs. It’s not like it’s going to be a big adjustment.”

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The latest news surrounding a possible Trump indictment comes as President Biden is set to leave for Ottawa on Thursday to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“A good chunk of the trip will be used for a Trump indictment viewing party,” Corden teased.

While he admitted that he is a “huge fan” of Biden, Corden then questioned how the president has had so much time to spend with celebrities like Niall Horan, the cast of “Ted Lasso,” Bruce Springstein and Julia Louis Dreyfus over the last few weeks.

“What pressing political issue is he going to address in Canada?,” Corden said. “Like, are we going to tune in like next week he’ll be tackling climate change with Justin Bieber and Celine Dion? He’s got more guests than we do.”

Watch the full “Late Late Show” monologue in the video above.

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