This is what a cookery writer eats when watching the football

euros eating
What to eat when watching the EurosGetty Images

The Euros are here! Is football coming home? We’ll have to wait and see, but whatever happens, celebrate or commiserate with some delicious food with your team of mates…

First things first: keeping your guests hydrated (even if it means they’ll be feeling slightly dehydrated tomorrow…). A large bucket or a conveniently placed bath are your best friends if you’re hosting lots of people. If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, then I’d recommend the large bucket approach as it means a mess-free decanting of the water at the end of the day – whereas if you’re in a top-floor flat like me, go with the bath. Fill them with plenty of ice and cold water, then add your favourite beers (I’m a sour beer fan), rosé, white wine or canned cocktails and watch them pleasingly bob about in your makeshift ice bucket.

If you’d rather serve a home-made concoction, buy some large pitcher jugs, fill them with your favourite cocktail and keep them in the fridge. Maybe a strong Long Island iced tea if you want to add a sense of merriment to your gathering (!), or a margarita, which is a personal fave. I like to fill my bottle of tequila with sliced jalapeños on the morning of a party, so that when I come to make my batch of margaritas (using shop-bought lime juice, because life is too short), it has a lovely warmth to it. I dip the rims of my glasses in a salt and chilli flake mixture to make things extra spicy.

spicy clementine margarita
Kris Kirkham Photography Ltd - Hearst Owned

Great food for big events




Of course, providing non-alcoholic options is essential, so stick some Diet Cokes in the ice bucket and always have a jug of water on the table.

Now, on to something to soak up that spicy margarita. Nothing fills me with more joy than a table laden with bowls, plates and platters filled with colourful bits and bobs. So whenever I’m hosting a viewing party of any kind, my main prerogative is to wow my guests with a feast for the eyes and, I’m not ashamed to say, to make hosting as easy as possible for myself.

This is where sharing food comes into play (excuse the pun). Putting out all the elements for build-your-own tacos or fajitas (both great options when watching the footie because they’re self-contained, which means when a goal is scored, your carpet won’t suffer too much) takes away the stress of plating up for all of your guests. They can keep going up throughout the game and helping themselves to more, depending on hunger levels.

And when you have a bowl of colourful pickled red onions, crumbled feta, bright green salsa, a platter of slow-cooked lamb and a stack of corn tortillas, you’ll look like the hostess with the mostest, which always feels nice!

mexican pork pibil in the slow cooker
Good Housekeeping UK

Plus, since I’m a fan of a twist on a pork pibil (but with lamb instead), I have to cook my lamb for around 31/2 hours on low heat in the oven, so my kitchen is filled with the aromas of ancho chillies, allspice berries, garlic and orange all afternoon long. You can start marinating your meat of choice the night before your gathering, which makes cooking on the day a doddle.

Once your guests have helped (if you’re lucky) stack the dishwasher with their plates and bowls during half-time, you’ll have just enough time to prepare the final instalment of your football feast before the whistle blows for the second half. I’ve never had much of a sweet tooth, but there’ll certainly be some of your guests who do (I learned that the hard way – thank goodness for that trusty tub of ice cream in the back of the freezer).

An easy quick fix is to mix either sweet or savoury popcorn (you can guess which one I go for) with Twirl Bites, Maltesers, M&M’s or any of your favourite chocolates. Decant into individual little bowls to prevent popcorn kernels from going everywhere. Alternatively, a little tip I heard the other day that I’ll certainly be adopting during the Euros is to buy a pre-made dessert, such as a tiramisu, and decant it into pretty glasses (which instantly elevates anything) so you can pass it off as your own creation. Shh, no one needs to know…

There’s always the option of a cheeseboard or, hang it, go for both! I have the most amazing deli around the corner from my flat – shoutout to Authentique Epicerie & Bar – where I’ll come away with a soft cheese, a hard cheese and a blue. Get out your best-looking board and fill it with dried fruits (I love apricots) to sweeten things up, caper berries for a hit of salt, sliced tomatoes for some freshness and crackers or a sliced baguette – and, of course, your cheeses.

Now, here’s to hoping your team performs as well as you will when you host your Euros party!

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