Comedy couple Shashic and Filzah tied the knot

6 Jun – Comedian Shashic Iewan has ended his bachelorhood by marrying fellow comedienne, Filzah Azmi.

The funny man, real name Muhammad Noor Shashic Iewan, revealed that he actually had been in a relationship with the Awok member for more than seven years, even before they became comedians.

The couple were married off by the father of the bride, Azmi Ghazli, in a ceremony that was held at the Doplohtiga Space, Kuala Lumpur.

Meanwhile, Filzah stated that she has no issue with Shashic's stuttering, saying that it even made her attracted to him.

"I am happy that the ceremony went well. Just like other couples, I hope that our marriage will last until our dying days," she added.

(Photo Source: mStar)