What to Clean Every Week, Every Month, and Every Year

Start marking your calendar for a cleaner home.

<p>Tanja Ivanova/Getty Images</p>

Tanja Ivanova/Getty Images

Sometimes, cleaning your home falls by the wayside between work, life, and family. Then you end up spending hours cleaning and decluttering. One smart way to prevent this is to stick to a cleaning schedule for the items it's easy to forget about. By taking a little time out for regular cleaning and decluttering, you're less likely to feel overwhelmed. Here’s what you should clean every week, every month, and every year.

What to Clean Every Week

High-Touch Spots

Shantae Duckworth, professional organizer and founder of Shantaeize Your Space, tells me high-touch spots like doorknobs, faucets, light switch plates, keyboards, and remote controls should be cleaned every week. “These are spots that are touched a lot by multiple people in the house and they can easily accumulate germs! Wipe them down weekly to make sure that they don't get dusty, sticky, or germy,” she says. “Weekly cleaning of these areas will minimize the risk of spreading illnesses and help you maintain a healthier living environment.”

You may also want to clean and disinfect these areas more often if someone in the home is sick.

High-Traffic Areas

High-traffic areas of your home should be cleaned and decluttered weekly as well. According to Duckworth, this includes front hall storage, shoe storage, spaces where you keep mail, and kitchen and bathroom countertops. “These areas can quickly get overrun with things. So it's good to take fifteen minutes a week and untangle the mess! Use this time to wipe the areas down so that they don't get dusty.”

Bed Sheets and Bath Towels

From bedding, to bath towels, to dish towels, it's a good idea to wash all of the linens you use on a daily basis at least once per week. Keeping up with the laundry for items you use often can help prevent allergies and keep germs at bay.

What to Clean Every Month


While you probably wipe down your appliances regularly—especially if they're stainless steel and easily show fingerprints and dirt—Duckworth highly recommends taking time every month to deep clean your appliances. “Appliances like ovens, microwaves, and refrigerators can accumulate grime and odors over time. Monthly cleaning prevents the buildup of dirt, ensures optimal performance, and extends the lifespan of your appliances,” she explains.

Inside the Refrigerator

Another space you should clean monthly is the inside of your refrigerator. “Take some time every month to clean everything out of the fridge, wipe it all down, and check the expiration dates on everything before putting anything back in.”


You should also tackle your closet every month. This will ultimately prevent you from becoming overwhelmed or needing to do a major declutter. “If there is anything broken, throw it out; donate items you don't need to store anymore. Closets can quickly become cluttered spaces, especially with household members throwing items in without organizing properly, so take some time to go through the closets and organize them monthly.” The best part: once your closet is organized, it will save you time every single morning.

What to Clean Every Year


While many of us tend to put off yearly projects, maintaining certain spaces in your home is crucial for preventing larger problems in the long run. “Gutters can accumulate leaves, debris, and even mold over the year, leading to potential water damage and roof issues. Annual cleaning prevents clogs, ensures proper water drainage, and protects your home's foundation and structural integrity,” says Duckworth. Mark your calendar: The best time to clean your gutters is in the spring and fall.

HVAC Systems

Your home's HVAC system should also be cleaned regularly. The organizer notes that this helps your system stay clear of dust, so it can work to the best of its ability. Don’t forget to replace the filters.


Mattresses can accumulate crumbs and dust. So Duckworth advises vacuuming and cleaning mattresses yearly to prevent issues with allergies and avoid potentially attracting bugs.

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