How to clean an air fryer – top tips from the experts

an air fryer in a kitchen
How to clean an air fryerCASEZY - Getty Images

Since the cost of energy sky-rocketed, air fryers are more popular than ever. In fact, it’s rare to spot a kitchen without one these days. These appliances act as mini-convection ovens, cooking our meals more quickly than the oven, and at a lower cost.

However, with everyday use, air fryers will soon build-up grease and residue. Most accessories are dishwasher-safe for regular cleaning, but is this really enough?

Unfortunately, not. If you own an air fryer, you will soon notice these machines require an occasional deep-clean. Otherwise, greasy marks will show and food can get trapped in and around the machine. That’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to clean an air fryer, so you can give everything from the controls to the heating element a once over. By the time you’re finished, it will look and perform like new once again.

How to clean an air fryer

a woman cooking with an air fryer in a kitchen
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1. Switch off your machine and let it cool

First, make sure your machine is powered off, unplugged from the wall and cool to the touch. Before you start have a look at your machine's instructions for care and cleaning and always follow these.

GHI Tip: Leave the basket removed from the air fryer to allow it to cool faster.

2. Start with the baskets and accessories

Remove the basket, pan and crisper plate (what removable parts your machine has will depend on the model) from your air fryer and leave it to soak in warm, soapy water, making sure it's fully submerged. Accessories can be soaked alongside if needed as well. Leave these for 10 minutes or so before you scrub clean with a soft sponge. If residue doesn’t come away easily, you can leave to soak for a little longer. If you can’t get into some of the crevices, use an old toothbrush.

Don't use a steel sponge or an abrasive detergent, or you risk damaging the non-stick. For any truly stubborn marks, you can apply a bicarbonate of soda and water paste to the area, leave it to work its magic for a few minutes, and then scrub clean.

If you’ve previously been washing parts of the machine that ware dishwasher-safe on the eco setting of your dishwasher, switch to the normal or auto cycle to clean them more thoroughly once in a while. But, hand washing is generally a gentler and more focused way to wash an air-fryer, and it should help them last longer too. Once clean, dry the parts and set them aside for now.

cleaning air fryer accessories using a sponge
Adisak Mitrprayoon - Getty Images

3. Deal with the inside

You won’t just find residue in the basket itself, as the food you've been cooking will have undoubtedly have spit and spread grease across the inside of your air fryer as well.

Dampen (don't saturate) a microfiber cloth (such asAIDEA Microfibre Cloths) and wipe around the inside of your air fryer. Avoid the heating element on the ceiling for now; we will deal with this in a moment. Focus solely on the sides and base of the interior, removing any crumbs as they fall.

4. Clean the heating element

Now you can turn your air fryer onto its side for a better view and better access to the heating element. If you spot residue here, this needs a clean too. You can gently scrub this using a dry, soft bristled toothbrush, dampening the element if necessary with a cloth, but take great care not to apply excessive moisture here. Carefully brush away any stuck-on residue, moving in the direction of the element. Give this sufficient time to dry once you’ve finished.

someone adjusting the settings on an air fryer
Hazal Ak - Getty Images

5. Wipe down the outside

Finally, take a look at the outside of your air fryer. It can get very greasy here, particularly around the control panel, so this often needs a wipe down too. A damp microfibre cloth should do the trick, although you can apply a drop of washing up liquid to your cloth for particularly greasy areas. Just be sure to wipe the soapy residue away afterwards with another damp cloth.

You can use a toothbrush to dislodge any residue around the buttons or dials. Dry the outside as best you can afterwards with a clean cloth, then leave to air dry.

6. Polish

If you’re dealing with a stainless steel air fryer, there may be finger marks present despite your best efforts. You can buff the exterior to a shine with a few drops of distilled white vinegar on a lint-free cloth. Work in circles to remove unsightly marks.

Your air fryer should now look and work as good as new again. Wait until all of the parts are completely dry before re-assembling and using it.

How often should you clean an air fryer?

There’s no strict rule on how often you should deep-clean your air fryer. The answer to this comes down to how often you use it, as well as what you cook in it. Greasy and fatty foods will likely build up residue much more quickly.

We recommend deep cleaning, including checking the inside of the appliance, every few weeks with regular use.

an air fryer in a kitchen
CASEZY - Getty Images

Tips to keep your air fryer clean

Don’t overfill. Overfilling your air fryer will result in it cooking and spitting too closely to the heating element and the internals. Read your manual and stick to the recommended quantites. It’s a much better idea to batch cook than force too much in at once.

Don’t cook anything in there you shouldn’t. While air fryers are versatile machines, they can’t cook absolutely everything. Avoid items which are likely to make a mess, such as melted cheese, or loose herbs and spices.

Don’t overcook. If you overcook food, it’s likely to burn and stick - and be all the more difficult to remove. Keep track of time when you’re cooking in your air fryer and don’t leave it unattended.

Keep on top of regular cleaning. By thoroughly cleaning after each and every use, you can prevent a stubborn build-up of residue. This will help your air fryer last longer too.

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